A diet of one day a week to lose weight without sacrificing


The Marc Messeguè diet one day a week can make you lose weight without sacrificing too much. Just follow the diet once a week throughout the year for a total of 52 days

According to Marc Mességué, it is possible to take two months of dieting a year without much sacrifice: " there are no miracles a healthy and constant weight loss accompanied by an improvement in metabolism ". But let's see what the daily diet plan provides. Breakfast with 30 grams of bread or 40 gr of organic biscuits, 40 grams of jam or honey, tea or coffee barley. Snack: a fruit. Lunch: a portion of white meat or fish, a portion of vegetables. Snack: a fruit. Dinner: 2 eggs and a mixed salad. During the day, you must drink at least eight glbades of water

As we do still in all diets published on our website, we recommend that you consult your doctor or specialist before starting any diet. This diet is not suitable for those who suffer from diabetes or other diseases.

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