a nice gift for research


The delivery of the family-collected offers took place some time after the disappearance of this patient to which physicians and health staff were very close. The will of Paul Pancrazi, expressed through the family, has been respected and the complex structure of internal medicine, endocrine and metabolic sciences of the hospital of Perugia and volunteers of the Association La Lumaca Onlus ( Voluntary badociation of Umbrian patients suffering from the thyroid tumor) now wants to remember it "because beyond her great generosity, she has struggled for seven long years in the fiercest struggle with dignity and dignity. exemplary strength ".

"The relationship established very often with patients and family members is not limited to the period of hospitalization – explains Professor Efisio Puxeddu – for all of us Paul was an authentic warrior and in his memory we are committed to continue research in the field of immunotherapy for advanced thyroid carcinoma.With our wife Sabrina and her sons Luca and Sara, our thanks go to the sum donated to the Association La Lumaca Onlus . "

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