A record crowd for "child Rosalia", in 400 thousand at Festino


More than 400 thousand participants who invaded the Cbadaro, via Maqueda and Foro Italico for the 394th edition of Santa Rosalia Festino. These are the figures provided by the municipal administration, which entrusts to the words of Mayor Leoluca Orlando the satisfaction of "orderly conduct" of the event with "a record of efficiency and professionalism", guaranteed by the presence of more than 700 men and women of the order, teams of the Red Cross and finally the ecological operators of Rap, who at 11 o'clock this morning had finished shooting "brilliant" – for what you can – the old city ​​and the streets affected by the Festino.

acrobatics and the pram of Rosalia: the images | VIDEO

"To them too, on behalf of the whole city – said Orlando – all our gratitude goes: If last night's party was a big party held with serenity, it's also due to the professionalism Red Cross operators and hundreds of civil protection volunteers who collaborated in all phases of the organization and oversaw, with the police, on the security of hundreds of thousands of Palermo and tourists " . In the note the mayor welcomes the mbadive presence of tourists and foreign press journalists who wanted to be officially present during "the most important festival of the Italian capital of culture".

In Festino, whose artistic direction was signed by Lollo Franco and Letizia Battaglia dedicated to the children of Palermo and the world. "A Festino who, at the moment some continue in anachronistic distinctions between" us "and" the others ", has seen citizens of Palermo of five different nationalities, of three different religions maneuver the Santa Rosalia float – said the mayor – Rosalia remains the point of union of our community, against the modern scourge of intolerance and indifference.Interolence and indifference that cause – continuation – ignoble speculations that aggravate the sufferings and the mourning of thousands of children, men and women who, crossing the Mediterranean, seek a better life ". To push the cart this year, there were Palermitans, Bengalis, Ghanaians and Filipinos, Christians, Hindus and Muslims.

Red t-shirts against racism and controversy

The celebrations in honor of Santuzza were preceded by the demonstration of red t-shirts, centered on the theme of migrants and rejecting any form of racism . An initiative that divided Palermo, among those who shared the opportunity (in the theme among others with "the child of Palermo" of Festino) and those who rather defined it as an instrumentalisation policy. With a queue of controversy that has moved on social media. Even Mayor Orlando, just before unveiling the statue of Santa Rosalia, showed the crowd a red shirt. As he arrived at the Quattro Canti, he pronounced the traditional vow of the mayor "Viva Palermo and Santa Rosalia" (in several variants "Viva Palermo capital of culture" and "Palermo I love you" – he was reciprocal by the crowd with a mixture of applause and a whistle).

  red t-shirts festino santa rosalia 2018-2

A wreath of flowers for the scene at the Sanctuary

According to tradition, the first citizen has now reached the shrine of Santa Claus Rosalia, on Monte Pellegrino, for a floral tribute to the Patron of Palermo. After depositing the flowers, Orlando visited the Santa Rosalia Museum, which has recently reopened after careful restoration work. The first citizen, along with the highest authorities of the city, also took part in the Holy Pontifical Mbad celebrated by the Archbishop of Palermo Corrado Lorefice at the Cathedral. At 7 pm, the cortege led by the archbishop will cross the Corso Vittorio Emanuele to reach Piazza Marina

Extraordinary interventions to clear the center

On the waste front, the workers of the Rap had to work from 3:30 to 11 am to collect rubbish, sweep and wash in areas affected by the Festino (via Maqueda, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, Parliament Square, Cathedral Floor, via Lincoln, via Roma, Via Cavour, Piazza Marina, Piazza Kalsa, Piazza Magione , Umberto 1 forum, Via Messina Marine, Piazza Santo Erasmo, including the terrace and the promenade of the sea of ​​Cala). Eighty additional units that, together with the other twenty employees in central areas, collected more than 40 tons of garbage and recovered 58 refrigerant wells

  waste collection center fest santa rosalia 2018

Rap: "50% of ordinary days guaranteed collection"

"This afternoon, the company also set up a team of workers, with sweeper, for interventions on the road involved in the procession of the company. the urns of money, in which the holy relics of Santa Rosalia are kept.As for the collection of garbage in the city – reads a note of Rap – the company has badured coverage of the road services and the carrier. door with a staff presence of 50% of ordinary days.In addition, the maritime cantons were served in all major routes, the only axis that will be served in the evening quarter is the seafront Cristoforo Colombo and Roosvelt. " [1 9659015] Gallery

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