According to the results of a French study, there is a close link between the use of pesticides in the agricultural sector and the increase in diseases such as obesity or diabetes. What has just been said was published on Environmental Health Perspectives a well-known newspaper dealing with Health which reported on the results of the study conducted by the 39; National Institute for Agricultural Research who conducted a series of experiments using rats as guinea pigs. The study showed very interesting results: mice fed with agricultural products treated with pesticides [VIDEO] increased their fat mbad and also began to develop a form of diabetes
Metabolic disorders and pesticides are closely related
The French experiment on mice lasted about a year, in which two groups of rodents were controlled, namely those who ate "healthy" (products without pesticides) and those who ate with agricultural products processed with pesticides. The result was that the first quickly increased their body mbad, developing diabetes in a few months, the pathology not being present in those who ate al naturale . Weight gain, in the opinion of the French, shows the link between pesticides and metabolic diseases, namely diabetes and obesity . This study anticipates what will come out in about a year about the effects that pesticides cause on the nervous system and the thyroid; research is currently underway, carried out by the European Food Safety Agency determined to demonstrate the toxicity of chemicals overused in the world of agriculture.
The confirmation of Professor Litta [19659004] The confirmations on the dangerousness of chemical substances used in agriculture come from Antonella Litta member of Italian Medical Association for Environment [19659008]: in the last 50 years, our ecosystem has released more than one hundred thousand types of chemicals such as pesticides or toxic residues resulting from the burning of waste. It is obviously toxic substances that will, over the years, alter the human metabolism, thus facilitating the occurrence of heart disease, obesity or diabetes [VIDEO].
The effects resulting from the spread of these chemicals will also affect the growth of new generations, since the toxic particles of pesticides or heavy metals will directly be deposited beyond placental barrier, thus interfering with the development of the future to be born during pregnancy.
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- https://www.ilmessaggero.it/primopiano/sanita/diabete_obesita_malattie_rischio_pesticidi_allarme_ricerca-3830068.html
- https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/ehp2877/
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