"A very important part of my life"


For Flavio Insinna begins a new chapter. The conductor returns to Rai 1 after the long stop after the furious offside of Affari Tuoi which cost him the media lynching. From September to "The Eredità", instead of his great friend Fabrizio Frizzi, Insinna returns to talk about the package program, which despite the turbulent end brings in the heart.

The woman insulted by Insinna breaks the silence: "I will probably denounce it"

"I will always have the flag of Affari Tuoi on the balcony – explains to Ansa ] – How Totti will always encourage Rome – was a very important part of my life, as well as my career, I never consider myself, I do not appreciate it, but when others directed it, I always followed it, even in the night answers.I will continue to do it. "

Now he is ready to take the reins of the presidential Rai 1, but the thought is still at Fabrizio Frizzi :" Thinking about life, a friend is missing, a ] unbridgeable void and leaves you a program called The Legacy, Gigi Proietti once told us about theater: "boys, weigh the good jokes that then become "Think of it as a giant thing." Frizzi owes a lot to so his early on television as conductor: " I owe him a lot – he has revealed – even been chosen for your business. . It arrived in San Vincent at Grolle. At the time I acted only in fiction, I did not lead. On stage, despite the late hour, at the awards ceremony, he gave me a rope. He answered the jokes and the next day my agent told me that they were calling everyone, Rai, Mediaset. "

Insinna, an important" legacy ":" I hope that Frizzi from heaven does not shake his head "

to him does not disappoint him, but then he has a shoulder important : "I am going to put everything, taking advantage of the advice of Charles ( Conti ed.). He is a friend of the same mold as Fabrizio, of those who do not judge. He said "have fun and put yourself in the locker room next to mine, so you can hit as many times as you like." I think he's going to change his plan after three days: I'm going to give him the torment. "

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