Aaron Jones says he's bigger and stronger during the Packers' second season


Running back Aaron Jones made the headlines during the off-season helping a wheelchair-bound grandmother to cross Appleton Airport, but he has done more than good Samaritans since the end of his rookie year. He's focused on strengthening his body after suffering knee injuries that have eased some of the promises he's shown at the start of the 2017 season. Offensive midfielder Ben Sirmans wanted Jones to focus on the construction of his lower body and Jones says that he has already seen a difference.

"I'm bigger all around," said Jones, via the team's website. "It's something that will help me in the protection of the pbades and it's something I want to improve." I'm stronger, so when a bigger defender comes in, I can to keep my land this year. "

The Packers are planning a committee approach to get back to work this year and be able to keep Aarus out of reach. Rodgers should be an important element to gain an important place in this rotation. Once the leggings at the camp, we will have a better idea of ​​the capabilities of Jones in this area.

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