After 30 years she finds the nurse who helped her when she was suffering from cancer


The nurse who had taken care of her during her illness, had helped her overcome the difficulties to overcome this phase by emerging stronger than before. , and Liz Brown, who at age 14 years had been struck by a rare form of bone cancer, an aggressive osteoblastoma, he had never forgotten. Thirty years later, he searched for it and, thanks to Twitter, he found it.

Thanks to the power of Grayskull (& twitter), I hope to find my nurse in my teenage cancer experience. She called Debbie, I was on A5 duty at the Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge in 1989. Pls ReTweet I would like to thank her #addenbrookes #Cambridge #nurse

– The Salt Cow (@thesaltiestcow) June 19, 2018

Today Liz is a mother of three, she is 43 years old and lives in East Riding, Yorkshire. It was 1989: the day of her fourteenth birthday, she woke up as a paralyzed and was admitted to the Addenbrooke Hospital in Cambridge.

The diagnosis was dramatic: the doctors had told her that she would not survive long, that she did not

At the hospital, Liz was badisted by a nice nurse, Debbie Bye. "The prognosis was terrible: it seemed like I was not destined to live more than five years, but now I'm 43. Debbie could have thought that she had done her job but it went much further.I remember being inspired by the way he did things: I learned that children are children no matter their problems He treated us all the same way. "

The nurse did everything to make the therapies" less painful ", at least emotionally. She inspired Liz Brown so much that too, once an adult, wanted to work with children who have autism and hearing problems. Meanwhile, however, has always kept wondering what happened to this good nurse, and decided to try the search on Twitter . His call was shared more than a thousand times, and the message reached its destination: Debbie Bye finally answered.

Holy Batman we did it Twitter ???? I found it ?? Thank you and each of you. I've cried so much that it happens to this ugly brat scene but with joy !! I will update #twitterpower

– The salt cow (@thesaltiestcow) June 20, 2018

"Attend Lizzy after that." he has been given this terrible prognosis is something that I will never forget, "said the nurse, who has since retired from the hospital and now works part time in a school. "She was a sick teenager and over the years I often wondered what had happened to her: I was afraid she was dead . I was really surprised. "

And again:" I loved my job and I did my best, but I did not think I had such a big impact on anyone. I tried to make sure that all the little patients feel at home: we made apple pies and made day trips we invited children to the apartments of the nurses and ate pizzas together. All that allowed Liz to feel better, and Debbie to become an unforgettable example


"I had cancer: today I am doing research to fight it"


at the hospital, the project for young people facing cancer


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