AIDS, the contagion continues especially among homosexuals


Although the media coverage of recent years has declined significantly, the HIV virus has certainly not been eradicated and with it the resulting AIDS syndrome: even millions of people worldwide are HIV-positive and too light

The human immunodeficiency virus, known as HIV, causes AIDS by infecting and damaging a portion of the body's defenses against external aggression, by Particularly lymphocytes, which are a particular type of white blood cells in the immune system, they have the job of hunting invading bacteria and viruses

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is therefore synonymous with the syndrome of 39 Acquired immunodeficiency, a condition that prevents the body from counteracting other infectious diseases. HIV and AIDS treatments, there are no vaccines or cures; there are behaviors that, if taken, prevent contagion

Contagion but do not stop in certain categories especially: despite the reduction of new infections in Western countries , homobaduals would still be 28 times more likely to contract HIV compared to heterobaduals

The alert was raised by the UNAIDS report, Miles to Go, the UN agency who is taking care of AIDS.

According to the latest update, the total annual number of new HIV infections fell from the peak reached in 1996, compared to 3.4 million, to 1.8 million, registered last year.

Yet homobaduals continue to be at higher risk of contracting HIV with prostitutes, drug addicts, and transgender

In North America, Western Europe, and Australia, launching pre-exposure prophylaxis Orally has resulted in transmission rates drastically gay men. As a result of the therapy, for example, new infections in San Francisco dropped by 43% in three years

But not in all countries the results were also encouraging: in Britain, for example, l 39; adoption of this practice of prophylaxis has had controversial results.

But there is more: new infections are on the rise in at least 50 countries and the pace of progress to conquer the epidemic does not follow the targets.

"Entire regions are lagging behind, huge gains for children are unsustainable, women are still disproportionately affected, resources are not meeting commitments, and key populations continue to grow. to be ignored ". Unaids, Michel Sidibé

In 2014, the United Nations pledged to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. But the goal is still far away and constitutes a barrier to an education. wider sanitary. because of discrimination against badual minorities, which determines, for example, that transgender women are still 13 times more likely to contract HIV than adults aged 15-49.

There is a "dangerous" relaxation "in the fight against AIDS: a series of articles published by Lancet under the sign of the International AIDS Society write

to undermine efforts , write the experts whose Italian Stefano Vella, is especially the impbade in which to raise funds to fight AIDS that have been stuck at $ 19-20 billion a year for several years and should be increased by at least 20% to meet targets, leading to a reduction in prevention efforts, as evidenced by nearly 2 million new infections per year, a figure that is substantially stable.

According to the report, 36.9 million people worldwide live with HIV and only 21.7 million have access to treatment.

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