Al Bano and Romina kissed each other? The video makes the fans crazy


This does not stop the exciting fans. It is the history between Al Bano and Romina Power . Fans of their beautiful voices still hope for us, in short, they dream that the most famous couple of Italian music can finally come back together

In this gossip summer the names of Al Bano and Romina filled the pink rituals. And there was a reason. After Carrisi's farewell to Loredana Lecciso, rumors of a rapprochement with the ex-wife, messages in interviews and public denials. Someone even came to talk about new weddings. Al Bano continues to officially deny, but in recent days, the couple has shown themselves very close at the concert that they organized to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Costa Crociere in Genoa.

The audience, after the conclusion of a song, asked two a " kiss " loudly. Al Bano and Romina were hand in hand after a short ballet at the end of the song. Both (see here video) approached, triggering public applause. Then Romina turned to the audience, asking "what did you say?" There will have been the "kiss" requested by the public and supposed by many gossip sites? Judge by yourself.

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