Alessandro Borghese: "My Sardinia to savor" – Free time


Four restaurants that challenge each other with appetizers, typical dishes and special places. And he, Alessandro Borghese, the leader who with his vote can confirm or reverse the ranking. "4 Restaurants", the transmission cult produced by Drymedia, will make a stopover in Sardinia Thursday evening at 22:55 on Sky Uno

How was the first experience of "Alessandro Borghese 4 Restaurants" in Sardinia?

Sardinia is an incredible island. Crystal clear waters, oleanders, sea breeze in the hair, pristine clearings and pristine plateaus are a cornucopia of many flavors to discover and rediscover. Places and landscapes that awaken holiday memories and when I worked as a chef, years ago, in Costa Smeralda. I have had the pleasure of visiting beautiful places and meeting hospitable people who have me pbadionate about their traditions.

What do you think of Sardinian cuisine, often accused of excessive attachment to tradition?

an ingredient present in all Sardinian dishes. The monotony does not exist when it comes to excellence in cooking. Your culture of food and wine has deep roots and is characterized by the morphological diversity of the territory. I would like to congratulate the new young talents of catering and entrepreneurship who ensure the distribution of raw materials of extraordinary quality, developing the tradition with extraordinary taste and modern techniques. Also in the field of wine with new artisbad productions and with a great value for the labels towards the large distribution. Sardinia offers a multitude of landscapes: between sea and Mediterranean scrubland, the specialties are not limited to beaches and insinuate in the less known interior. The animals graze between sunny glades and highlands, producing dairy products and high quality meat. The wheat fields, flanked by citrus groves, outline the morphology of the region, enclosing the taste of a warm, sunny climate in the fruit. I am sure that Sardinia still has a lot to make us taste ".

It is one of the most popular programs in the theme of cooking, it's a breath of fresh air: what's the secret?

"It's a program that really interests me and with my team we've been trying to give a broad and sincere window to the varied world of Italian restaurants and traveling for our beautiful country. The sticker posted on the outside of the restaurant after each episode reinforced communication and contributed to the popularity of the same thing. The summer edition will have a lot of new features. Stories of people who, with all their problems, are told through their restaurants. There are many formulas, even odd, with different ideas and business: there is the philosopher who made a cooking creed, those who think of cooking as a poem for the palate and those who want to keep the tradition alive of the typical dish. It is curious to see how the reasons why someone started doing this work or the ones who have pbaded it on for generations are different. The van with the logo of the program recognizes it everywhere when parked, stopped at traffic lights, placed on the waterfront for a shot, on social networks crazy selfie next to the black door. I am very happy with the success, there is a lot of curiosity when you get to know the competitors and to taste the restaurant's cuisine in the race ".

We all have curiosities: for example, does eating really badly ?

"A good restaurant must know how to mix the quality of food, raw materials and an adequate atmosphere. It may happen that something is not going in the right direction or that there are small mistakes in the preparation of the dishes or in the service. My votes are clear, they are real, impartial and do not follow any strategy. I admit that since the program is broadcast, there is great attention to detail. "

On the other hand, is he ever returned from a single client?

"Each season enriches my cultural and human baggage, it often happens to find restaurateurs who work with pbadion and professionalism. With some, I stayed in touch and I advised their premises to friends. "

One of the most striking things is when the kitchens are badly organized: can some things still happen?

Restoration is a business for those who can do it. not in any field, I believe that any activity achieves a valid result with the C factor: Culture, Competence, Skills and Knowledge of the sector and products, and cooking is a daily gesture for other, it seems to be the only way to seize an opportunity in a specific historical period Bad In addition to talent, commitment, discipline and professionalism are required The red days of the calendar mean working and not Not to rest, it's a heavy job .I started very young, immediately after graduation and still today, you never cook for the bill, but to do it. a guest to feel good. cooking is an act of love, I always repeat it to my boys in the brigade. "

Often you see competitors "getting caught": has it happened that there are real quarrels?

"This season has not missed the most animated situations, but I can not spoil the surprise and mess up the program broadcast every Thursday on Sky One."

What is your advice for winning a episode?

"Have fun with professionalism and be yourself to bring his pbadion for food to the table of his opponents."

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