Alessandro Cecchi Paone vs. Marica Pellegrinelli: "A beginner to the Reckon"


Marica Pellegrinelli, wife of singer Eros Ramazzotti, made his debut as conductor at Wind Music Award bringing many critics and fueling several discussions . One character, in particular, decided to say that he was publishing a long interview with the weekly New TV where he was heavily attacking Madame Ramazzotti and it would be Alessandro Cecchi Paone

The journalist, indeed, would not have appreciated the work done by Pellegrinelli on the stage of Wind Music Award especially by calculating the fact that It is a live broadcast in the early evening and on a very important network such as the Rai . In practice, for the scientific writer, Marica he would not have badumed the role badigned to him.

"We would prefer more meritocracy, but it seems more and more difficult. We avoid at least embarrbadments and crises from beginners thrown into the fray. I think this should be done out of respect for the public, sponsors and a lot of beauty who should not be put in trouble. For me, only good collaborators behind the scenes are enough " actually thundered Cecchi Paone .We should rather consider that for the model was his first time as a presenter for years, Gianni Morandi, proposed a direction of Sanremo Festival easily rejected by the model

With an interview with the newspaper Io Donna Marica had said he had thought very well before accepting the role of presenter, but since the children had grown up, he would have decided to embark on this new event: "My husband was the happiest of the The offer, we talked about it for a long time, I was always afraid that they accused me of exploiting it commercially. Instead, he told me "go, run, kids are big now, it's your time". In those years for the family I decided to leave my career a little bit. "

The words instead of encouragement were spent by Maurizio Costanzo who defended the girl by the sword:" The benefit of the doubt should be granted. Until now, Mrs. Ramazzotti is held apart, without jostling herself, even to devote herself to the family built with her husband. Perhaps the authors have seen in it a talent that, cultivated in the right way, will make a new star shine, "wrote the journalist window.addEventListener (" statisticsCookiesAccepted ", function (e ) {
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