"Already refused to Beyoncé? First Italians"


  Laura Pausini ready to conquer the Colosseum Laura Pausini after Circus Maximus tells the Colosseum: "Already refused to Beyoncé? Better, first Italians, but only in music"

Laura Pausini conquers Rome and goes on stage Circus Maximus but now points to Colosseum . It's the singer herself who reveals it before starting the concert in the ruins of the imperial capital. At 44, he no longer feels the fear of the past and he therefore intends to play the last blows, he confessed to the press. Just as she talks about her future, Laura admits that she is ready to conquer the Coliseum. At some point, she was reminded that one Beyoncé was refused. La Pausini meets the very confident journalist, convinced that it was the best decision. "Before the Italians" declares the singer. "But only in music, let it be clear" he immediately begins to clarify. Laura has now reached another record in her career, after 25 years of music. The Pausini admits that he does not know how to do anything but sing and is no longer afraid to face new and important experiences, especially if we talk about the Italian territory

Laura Pausini conquers the capital with a new record: she is the first woman to sing at Circus Maximus

"And after all that, what more could I want? I would like to take the Colosseum .I'm no longer afraid. age, 44 years we play the last shots, at least on stage ". Thus, Laura surprises everyone by revealing that she wants to conquer the Colosseum too early. And when it is reminded that she was refused to Beyoncé, the singer responds with conviction: "Better, first, the Italians.But only in music, be clear" . So, Laura may soon reach a new goal in her career. In 2007 she was the first woman to sing in San Siro and now also on the stage of Circus Maximus . And who knows that soon we will see her add to her career as the first woman to sing at the Colosseum

Laura Pausini is not afraid and conquers all, aiming for a new goal

There are nearly 15 000 spectators who witnessed the performance of Laura Pausini at Circus Maximus . Until now, the ruins of Imperial Rome had only hosted male artists, most recently Roger Waters. Before starting the concert, the singer is quite confident, as you can see on Tgcom24. Even if she was convinced, the Pausini admits that she is very excited. Between the balloons and the fireworks, his fans welcomed him to Circus Maximus. We must now wait to see if Laura can also transmit her music to the Colosseum.

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