Alzheimer's, a synthetic cannabinoid reduces agitation in patients


This is nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid already approved in the United States for the treatment of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients, which now appears to have also produced good results for Alzheimer's . one of the neurodegenerative diseases more prevalent in old age and still orphaned with resolute treatments. But this time, rather than trying to slow down the disease or focus on cognitive function, the researchers tested the effectiveness of this substance on agitation, one of the symptoms that often manifests itself in those who suffer from this disease. And it was presented at the International Conference of the Alzheimer's Association (Aaic) 2018, which is one of the largest international meetings devoted to the theme, this year in Chicago.

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Researchers tested the effects of synthetic cannabinoid on 39 patients over 85 years , all suffering from the disease in moderate or severe stages and with significant agitation. For a total duration of 14 weeks, administer a daily dose of 1.6 mg nabilone or placebo (control) to patients during half of the study period. Nabilone has given encouraging results for the treatment of agitation in subjects, although some patients have shown cognitive problems during treatment, a "side effect we are working on," explains Krista Lanctot researcher at the Sunnybrook Center for Health Sciences and University of Toronto (Canada)

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Obviously, the sample of the study is small (only 39 patients) and further tests are needed to evaluate its efficacy and safety, but it is an encouraging result which, according to the researchers, will pave the way for the use of cannabinoids. in the treatment of this symptom in patients with Alzheimer's. "In fact, the use of synthetic cannabinoids represents a new approach to treating these symptoms and" fills an important gap in medicine, "comments Howard Fillit executive director of the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation. For example, that relating to the quality of life of patients, often affected by aggressive symptoms or states of agitation

LAW: Alzheimer's, Italy, delay in diagnosis and l & # 39; 39; lack of communication with patients [19659009] [Enplusdelapréventionetduralentissementdelapathologieneurodégénérative"denouvellesfaçonsdetraiterlessymptômesnoncognitifsdelamaladied'Alzheimerdoiventêtreexploréescarellesjouentunrôleimportantnonseulementdanslaqualitédeviedupatientmaisaussidanslaqualitédevieprendsoind'them"said Heather Snyder senior director of medical and scientific operations of the & # 39; Alzheimer's Association [19659010] Ask a question to the expert

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