Alzheimer's, positive results for a drug experimented by Biogen


The World Alzheimer's Report of 2017 estimates that 47 million people with dementia worldwide with strong growth expected in the coming years due to the increase in average age: the forecast is that in 2050 the sick More than 130 million

In Italy in 2017 there were about one million dementia patients, of which about 600,000 suffering from Alzheimer's disease

The disease of Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's: AD) is a progressive and irreversible neurodegenerative disease, which affects the brain

Alzheimer's disease affects a person's ability to perform the simplest daily activities, going to hit areas of the brain that control functions such as memory, thought, speech. 19659002] There is currently no definitive cure for this disease. All currently available medications are not able to slow down the course, allowing the patient to maintain cognitive functions for a long time.

In recent years, there has been a lot of research to understand the causes and genesis, even to finally discover a cure.

For the moment, there is nothing commonly recognized by the scientific community as to the causes, but there are some very promising studies.

Recently, for example, it has been hypothesized that the herpes virus could play a significant role in the development of Alzheimer's disease: the presence of this virus in the brain could indeed trigger a immune response based on the release of beta-amyloid plaques, "sticky" proteins that our body would use as a defense weapon against viral invasion.

To demonstrate this new link between the herpes virus and Alzheimer's disease a research team The MbadGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases (MIND) and the Department of Neurology at the prestigious Medical School of Harvard University. The scientists, led by Professors Rudolph E. Tanzi and Robert D. Moir, conducted several experiments on mice and on cells grown in Petri dishes, highlighting the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques in the presence of an infection with the herpes virus.

Scientists used two different types of virus, the herpes virus 1 (HVS-1) – the one responsible for herpes labialis – and HVS-6: both pathogens were badociated with Alzheimer's disease by previous research considered "controversial"

There would also be a link between Alzheimer's disease and high blood pressure: in particular, experts found that suffering of hypertension could increase risk of Alzheimer's disease by 46% [19659002] According to scientists at the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center in Chicago, who wanted to badyze the impact that changes in Alzheimer's disease Pressure values ​​during old age may have on the cerve We have just discovered how older hypertensive people are more likely to find lesions in areas of the brain that are related to the onset of disease. Alzheimer.

But there is also important news on the front of care. [19659002] Biogen, the famous American biotechnology company, tests a new experimental drug, the BAN2401, at the same time as Japanese Eism, and tests show positive results: the drug is able to slow progress The results Biogen positives were a total surprise, mainly because the drug tested acts as an antibody aimed at attacking beta-amyloid, the toxic protein responsible for Alzheimer's disease

An even more incredible result if we consider that Alzheimer's research has the record of failures. In the ten years between 2002 and 2012, 244 new molecules were tested worldwide in 413 clinical trials: only one was approved

One in 244 means a 99.6% failure rate, compared to for example, 81% of anticancer therapies were under review during these years.

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