Another incursion into Celentano's house: "We are serene"


We did not notice anything. We are calm and peaceful. There is nothing else to add. The voice polite but firm. Claudia Mori suggests that she does not intend to comment yet another raid in the park of Galbiate Villa, above Lecco, where she and her husband Adriano Celentano have been living for years. decades.

The Villa

An armored fief, a property of several acres and home with a state-of-the-art recording room where the spring has recorded the latest albums, constantly guarded by security guards and cameras from video surveillance. Yet, on the night of May 30 to 31, strangers would have managed to sneak into the garden, triggering the perimeter alarm. To expel the criminals, the vigilantes: they noticed dark shadows around the park and alerted the police.


The investigations are conducted in the strictest secrecy, so that for days the news has not been disclosed. On the spot, the carabiniers of the provincial command of Lecco, who saw the images, but people who managed to circumvent the walls of the property, would not be found, contrary to what happened there is more from one year ago when the bandits had been immortalized. a file had been opened at the Procura in Lecco.

Third Attempt

This is the third attempt to search the singer's villa in less than eighteen months. In February 2017, the rear window of Claudia Mori's car, parked just in front of the house, was found broken: on the seat two bags, which had not been touched. A few days later, in early March, the armed guards had surprised and routed fools, their faces covered with a hood and were chiding the intentions of pushing Celentano himself to report everything on his blog, speaking about his life. a very serious business.


Alien intrusions occur for days, filmed by our cameras while they are walking in a suspicious and organized manner. A series of particularly threatening actions that make us suspect that these criminals are trying to reach me and Claudia, watching our movements, Adriano had written on this occasion, while his wife had confessed to having lost sleep because of worry. The temporary reinforcement of military controls had provoked the grievances of some mayors in the region, worried that the few resources could be used to ensure the security of the suspension.


A controversy that almost immediately fell in front of the huge security device consisting of alarms, vigils and cameras placed by the singer, always very attentive to privacy. After all, he has not been seen in the village for a long time, not even for Sunday Mbad where he used to attend: sitting in the last rows, a greeting and kindness for everyone. Locked in his hermitage, he had not even met the fans who arrived at the villa for his eightieth birthday. The door was closed.
Galbiate is a quiet country, flights are rare, but it can happen that, especially behind the summer holidays, there are attempts to raid the most isolated areas, said Mayor Tino Negri.

July 3, 2018 (change July 3, 2018 | 21:23)


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