Antonino Spadaccino conquers everyone during the casting of X Factor UK with the support of Emma Marrone


Antonino Spadaccino tries to conquer the English public; after winning an old edition of Amici, the Pugliese decided to participate in auditions for the next edition of X Factor UK. While watching the video that goes crazy on the net of the boy's performance, it seems that the 4 judges of the talent show were very impressed by his voice, so much so that he had a standing ovation. To encourage the young man in that of London, there was his best friend Emma Marrone ; the singer, in fact, chose to closely support Antonino [VIDEO] at the time when he faced the severe judgment of Simon Cowell & Co.

Antonino conquers everything at X Factor UK singing & # 39; Say Something & # 39;

Antonino Spadaccino was one of the first winners of Amici; Since he has raised the talent of Cbade 5, the Foggia has tried to penetrate the world of music in various ways.

After being released to the market with a record produced by his friend Emma Marrone who did not sparkle, the young man decided to move to London to try a new road.

In those hours, in fact, it was known that the boy participated in the casting of the next edition of X Factor UK and that he had a huge success. Intoning the song "Say Something" by Justin Timberlake, the Pugliese conquered both the 4 judges and the present audience, which gave him a standing ovation . to a video that was filmed by an Italian who was in the studio and is now touring the web, she was known for the youngster's excellent performance in front of Simon Cowell Robbie Williams Louis Tomlison and Ayda Williams ; all four coaches of the new vintage talent show, in fact, got up to applaud the beautiful and warm voice of Spadaccino

At the end of the exhibition, the jurors asked "our" Antonino to get off of step because they all wanted to embrace and congratulate him with him. The path of triumph from Amici to X Factor UK seems to have started in the best way; We will see soon if she will be part of one of the teams competing and will therefore participate in the live episodes

Emma ad Antonino: "You will be there and I will be there forever, brother & # 39;

Antonino was not only when he faced difficult hearing for X Factor UK; as reported by the sites of Gossip in those hours, to encourage Spadaccino backstage was a dear friend to him. Aside from the controversy born on the web about his dirty kitchen [VIDEO] Emma Marrone decided to fly to London and go to support the compatriot at the beginning of this important professional adventure.

Although none of those directly involved have published anything on the casting's social networks, it is said that the singer was in the front row to applaud the colleague.

To confirm the news snaking on the net, there are many photos that the "Brown" has published on Instagram in recent days of the short vacation that he has made to the UK Just at the time Antonino was examined by the judges of X Factor.

This was the shot that documented a soft hug between her and the winner of the Friends to Conquer All, a shot that garnered over 110,000 "I like" in no time . "Forever that, it's not an invention, you'll be there and I'll be there, brother" – that's the beautiful dedicated that Salentina did on IG at Spadaccino there a few days before the latter conquered the English public with his squeaky voice.

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