Arrived for flight the twins of Like a cat in the ring road | ROMA PAY


Lorena Loiacono
In the film they justified their robberies as compulsive shopping but in reality the story changes: for the riflemen, in fact, the real ones, the accusation is flying with dexterity . The adventure of the two twin actresses of Bastogi, Alessandra and Valentina, known to the general public for playing in the film Come a gatto in tangenziale alongside Antonio Albanese and Paola Cortellesi, went wrong.
The two sisters, who in Riccardo Milani's film play two thieves with continuous store robberies, had to take their role too seriously: on Tuesday morning, they were filmed by the company's internal cameras. a perfumery while they bag two perfumes of 500 euros. Once the bag closed, they left the store without paying and go home. Where they were reached in the afternoon by the Carabinieri from Aventino station, alerted by the shop owner in Via Marmorata, in Testaccio, who filed a complaint. Indeed, the two actresses received a visit from the army who, after a search, found the stolen perfumes in the house: two packages of Creed, for a total value of 500 euros. So, the friendly Sue Ellen and Pamela now have a complaint for aggravated theft, but for the moment they remain in a state of freedom.
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Thursday, July 26, 2018 – Last Modified: 05:01


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