Asia Argento accused by the hater of Bourdain's death, but Hollywood defends her


death of Anthony Bourdain continues to torment Asia Argento . The actress, among the first promoters of the campaign #MeToo to denounce the abuses suffered, was angered by a horde of hater who accused her of 39, having caused the suicide of the boyfriend. Do not pay, they also criticized for having exploited his departure for reasons of visibility and career.

To take his defenses, with a letter to Los Angeles Times a host of stars Hollywood who, on a par with l & # 39; Money, have placed themselves in the vanguard of the global initiative against badual advances in the world of cinema and no

The letter was signed, among others , by Rose McGowan, Mira Sorvino, Oliva Munn, Patricia Arquette and Terry Crews. And the director's daughter thanked her with a tweet .

To all my brothers and sisters #silencebreakers who stood up against the cyberbullies who tormented me for weeks now: I love you, I love you.

– Asia Argento (@AsiaArgento) July 13, 2018

The letter in defense of Asia Argento

Here is what they wrote the actresses to the newspaper Losangelino: "Since the death of Anthony Bourdain, Asia Argento has been threatened with real attacks of cyberbullying pseudonyms, haters and trolls of the web … all that could have caused the death of his mate in addition to being accused of attempting to use his harbadment survivor status to advance his career "

"We hope that those who suffer The disappearance of Anthony quickly finds a sincere recovery from his own sorrow: Asia is a survivor just like us, and fame what she has and what she shows on the outside does not make her less vulnerable. in the foreground, but it's a woman who feels like the spirit and feels a terrible pain ".

And Asia Argento thanks socially like this: " To all my sisters and brothers and companions of #silencebreakers who opposed the cyber-bullies who tormented me for weeks now: I love you I am grateful to you all. "

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