At Umbria Jazz, children from all over the world play together: "The musicians, come and play for them"


by En.Ber.

Umbria Jazz is a friendly festival for children. This year, two spaces of the project "Officina della musica" are made available to children and their families every day for games, scientific disclosure and more. The first is that of Piazza Italia (both are sponsored by Rigoni di Asiago and organized by the staff of the Post Office, the Perugia Science and Technology Workshop). Open from 14h to 22h, it offers first of all a corner equipped with a changing table, a bottle warmer, a badfeeding area and a shower room. a space to store the strollers. Then there are all the activities available for the little ones: "Here – explain the postal managers – we offer games and scientific revelations". On a table there is Bee Bop, a little bee to program to move it on a space that reproduces a hive: "This is a first example of coding – they say – and moreover it is possible to discover how does the bee society work? A little further away is the "sensory cylinder" where you can discover the five senses, then the magnetic 3D constructions that come from the toy store "Città del sole", in addition to the more traditional markers for drawing; If you arrive between 17:30 and 18:30, you can also have a snack with the products offered by Rigoni Asiago.

Sociality in Music "Here Children – says Post Staff – remain under the supervision of their parents and until now things have gone well There has been an excellent rate of participation of individuals and families, with a peak between 19h30 and 22h. at the weekend, with peaks of 10 or 15 children at a time. "Piazza Italia also represents an important socialization corner:" From us – they explain – came children and families from many parts of the world. eg Denmark, Serbia, Holland, Germany, Brazil, France and England Here we start from the element of the game to socialize: while not talking the same language, children can play, interact and collaborate with each other . At least here the color of the skin and tongue account for little. And among the postal officials comes a call to the hundreds of musicians who invade the city these days: "One day, maybe after 18 years, come play for the children here with us". Who knows someone does not take it?

The Arena Laboratory The other space is that of the Arena, where there is a workshop equipped for children from 5 to 11 years old who want to experiment with the hidden science behind the notes, combining technology and DIY. The activities take place here from 7am to midnight, and for two hours parents who want to enjoy a concert can let the children here, who will be able to try the composition of a room, with the programming of the room. a robot playing the xylophone, with a sound sandwich, with the construction of castanets and with the coloring of the scores.

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