Attempted a robbery in the villa, Bocelli barricaded with his wife and children. Shock of bandits-vigilantes


Forte dei Marmi, (Lucca), July 7, 2018 – Night of fear at home Bocelli. Of those really hard to forget for the singer's family. In a few minutes, there was barrel, shouting and then the siren of carabinieri quickly intervened on the spot. Two bandits forced the entrance door of the stately villa on the waterfront to Vittoria Apuana: a shot probably studied in every detail.

Once inside the park of Villa Bocelli, perhaps the villains did not have they calculated the mbadive presence of vigilantes who immediately intervened. It happened the night between Thursday and Friday. Moments of panic, with a violent fight among the bandits and one of the guards who was on duty to monitor the singer's house

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<p>  The criminals dropped their guard but in the end they gave up and they fled, thanks to the alarm system that went into action, with great speed they climbed the fence – and they left (we do not know if outside there was an accomplice to act as a "stake" or they had a way to guarantee them a quick escape) </p>
<p>  <strong> Cries </strong> woke up the whole family of the artist, it was indeed <strong> his wife </strong> Veronica Berti and <strong> all three in fants </strong>. An awakening at full night of panic and also astonishment for an episode that had never occurred at Bocelli. The illustrious presence of the singer <strong> Forte dei Marmi </strong> is now part of the daily life of a country where there has never been any element of danger, despite the notoriety of the character </p>
<p>  Here, the artist has found his buen retiro for many years, delighted to ride horseback on the contrary <strong> bath Alpemare </strong> but also to walk without problems on the seafront in family. And in this historic villa (formerly the Alpemare pension) there has always been the comings and goings of celebrities, hosts of dinners in company. An oasis of peace broken in a nightmare night. On this subject, there are <strong> close investigations </strong> by the Carabinieri. Sewed stitches and no one is ready to talk about a story to clarify: the bandits wanted to burglary? Or was it a poorly planned flight? </p>
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