Autism, therapy on vacation in Coredo: a "dive" in the multisensory room


A "plunge" into virtual reality and interactive games a synesthesia of images, colors, sounds and scents to stimulate the physical and cognitive activity of everyone

Training Daily custom for each guest in the multi-sensory room was the main novelty of the fifth edition of "Terapia in Vacanza", which just ended at Casa Sebastiano di Coredo (Trentino).

The project, managed by the ODFLab (Laboratory of Observation, Diagnosis and Training of the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences of the University of Trento ), consists of an intensive rehabilitation intervention campus in a context of recreation and aggregation. autistic spectrum with their families.

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This year, enrollments were 26 girls / girls in the age group 2/8 years old.

Ziativa, one of the few in Italy, is organized according to specific working methods for autistic people, in line with various international studies for which all staff of ODFLab has been trained.

The multisensory interactive room installed at Casa Sebastiano is an effective therapeutic tool in autism spectrum disorders : it acts positively on areas of difficulty. The system creates a virtual reality to explore and interactive games that are controlled by the gestural movement of the user, which interacts with images, colors, sounds and scents, stimulating physical and cognitive activity .

"Complex sensory integration in autistics while aiming at strengthening executive functions through basic badociation, integration, and learning activities.

Casa Sebastiano a Coredo

The purchase of interactive multisensory room was funded by Rotary Foundation International with the support of Rotary Club North Trentino.

"According to the recent scientific literature – explain to ODFLab – emerges an almost unanimous consensus on the fact that rehabilitation treatment is all the more effective as it is more intensive and multidimensional ". The proposed intervention is carried out by a team of psychologists and psychologists specializing in the rehabilitation of autism, supervised by the head of the ODFLab, Paola Venuti, and badisted by students and students in the Internship of the Graduate Program in Psychology, Neuroscience and Psychology courses graduates in the field of Vocational Training

The initiative is also an important formative moment for the working group and for students and students of the course, promoting the information exchange process to solve the problems of shared form and contamination of different skills that are the basis of a professionalism built together .

The founder of the house Sebastiano Giovanni Coletti with his wife Emanuela

In the days, in addition to activities in the multi-sensory room, various activities were alternated, such as: music therapy, cognitive activation, work on socio-relational skills, intervention on language and communication skills, work on motor skills, dance movement therapy and integrative group activity. The project "Terapia in Vacanza" took place for the second year at Casa Sebastiano, from 25 to 29 June and from 2 to 6 July.

Casa Sebastiano, created by the Trentino Foundation for Autism and inaugurated in April 2017, is a structure that offers answers to the needs of people with autism spectrum disorders

The Path to Growth of the structure, already operational for adolescents and young adults sent by the provincial society for health services, in the future will see the possibility of carrying out rehabilitation and psycho-educational according to the Italian model of rehabilitation, targeting children with autism spectrum disorders. Intervention and research with the multi-sensory room will also continue


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