Avengers 4: This is where the production is


Avengers 4: That's where the production is

Updates on the work status of the Cinecomic Marvel arrive directly from the head of Kevin Feige Studios

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<p>  After the Incredible Success of <em> Avengers: The War of Infinity </em> It is reasonable to think that <em> Avengers 4 </em> is probably the most anticipated chapter of the <strong> Marvel </strong> still. The arrival in the halls of the next chapter that will gather the Avengers (or at least those who survived to burst the fingers of Thanos) will be in the cinema in May 2019, so it does not miss much if one thinks of the deadlines of production. </p>
<p>  we had planned here, <strong> Marvel Studios </strong> will not be attending the next Comic-Con in San Diego, and it is likely that new official announcements on the film will arrive towards the end of the year. current year. But, as reported by CBM, it seems that <strong> Kevin Faige </strong> himself has confirmed that the works are already almost completed: "<em> We have just started publishing, the brothers <strong> Russo </strong> ] have completed their break and we have already spent a few weeks together in the editing room, so it's still quite early. Usually, at this stage of production, we continue to film. But </em> Captain Marvel <em> will arrive in March, while in May and we are already working on it … It's fun to do these jumps from one movie to the other , especially we can afford because we have already done most of the filming. Now we just have to work on our traditional cutting and sewing process </em> ". He explained <strong> Feige </strong>. </p>
<p>  This situation in advance will give the <strong> Marvel Studios </strong> the opportunity to work on the final editing, for a churn of a chapter that promises to be finished at the limit of perfection </p>
<p>  "<em> Sometimes the opposite occurs", </em> says <strong> Feige </strong><em> "For </em> Ant-Man and The Wasp <em> for example we had very little time be dedicated to post-production, but we did a lot of interventions and some were really essential for the success of the film. For </em> Avengers 4 <em> we will have much more time. For </em> Thor: Ragnarok <em> for example we had a lot of time but the work was still intense. Also because when you have more time, try to exploit it to the maximum and do everything possible to get the best result. After all, when you do not have one, you are also motivated to do your best with what you have at your disposal </em> "</p>
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