avoid chronicity when taking antibiotics


Cystitis is an inflammation of the urinary tract that causes pain and burning during the emission of urine. These disorders badociated with the infection are heavily weighted to the quality of life of a woman.

Cystitis, it is necessary to cure it immediately

Cystitis is a disease that must be treated in the early stages of its onset. It involves women of all ages, the disease can occur suddenly, that is why women should be educated to prevention.

The hygiene and hydration are in the first place, as the urination that should not be slowed down, the retention of urine they cause tension in the muscle of the bladder and alter its contractility

To heal, it is necessary to resort to targeted therapies to avoid the chronicity of the disease that makes the woman vulnerable by minimizing her social and badual state

with antibiotics, but if we are resistant!

The problem that most people in general are involved with in clinical practice today is that if you are subjected to prolonged, not really basic, antibiotics, you risk promoting the development of bacteria. resistant to the activity of antimicrobials

It is no coincidence that women often behave incorrectly: on the basis of their presumption rudimentary knowledge of the disease, tend to take an inappropriate antibiotic , without the diagnosis and prescription of the doctor.

" Self-medication and improper use of antibiotics have certainly contributed to the inability of certain antibiotics to act against pathogens" explained Vincenzo Mirone, director of the urological clinic of the University Federico II of Naples and responsible for the communication of the Italian Society of Urology

Then he adds that " in our departments the problem of failure The Antibiotic response becomes one of our main concerns.Because of bacterial cystitis, simple or complicated, it is important to recognize the germ and it is essential to use the right antibiotic: for the right time and to an appropriate concentration ".

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