Baby food, 10 foods that are good for children


In Italy, one in three children has problems with extra pounds. According to estimates from the European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), Italians are among the most obese children in Europe [19659002] "From the first years of life, parents can do a lot to avoid the problem." Comments physician Annamaria Acquaviva nutritionist nutritionist, author of the book "Children at the table. Almost a game! " (Tipografia Faentina).

" Learned Habits of Infants Influence Their Future Health

Once learned, they become rebaduring habits that are easily retained even in adulthood. The relationship established with food, such as the habit of comforting food, and the taste experiences that influence preferences, for example sweet or salty taste, will tend to influence the choices of the table for the rest of life. " "Expert."

Ok feeding for the little ones
"The feeding of children, like that of adults, must be varied and balanced.Meals must be consumed at regular intervals to avoid the falls of energy and concentration and the main menus must be complete. The 5 servings of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals should never be missing A c or their different should be chosen to ensure the variety of different nutrients. Mid-morning and afternoon snacks should never be excessive, otherwise you risk compromising your appetite for the next meal "advises nutritionist

Essential Nutrients
" Yes foods containing carbohydrates such as cereals and their derivatives (bread and pasta), preferably from 3 years full ". For the growth of the youngest, the "expert" is fundamental: the proteins are of animal origin like meat, fish, eggs and vegetables contained in the legumes . to give energy, they serve as "building blocks" for tissue building and, moreover, they have a regulatory function because they are precursors of hormones and molecules important for the good However, like other nutrients, they must be balanced because at certain stages of growth, excess can predispose to overweight and obesity. In daily menus must never miss foods rich in calcium. "It's an excellent source not only of milk and dairy products, but also of calcium, cruciferous (broccoli and cabbage), blue fish and almonds," says Dr. Acquaviva. "And finally, space also for foods that provide" good "fats, such as extra virgin olive oil, prince of the Mediterranean diet," says the nutritionist.

Foods no
the expert 'chips and snacks high in salt, hydrogenated sugars and fats, yogurt stuffed with cream and sugars and dyes and additives or packaged puddings harmful to health, sugary drinks , fruit juices or milk and chocolate drinks, which contain "empty calories" and which neither quench nor quench their thirst. Fruit juices without added sugars should also be avoided: even if they contain only natural sugars found in fruits such as fructose, sucrose (identical to cooking sugar) and glucose and enriched in fiber or vitamins, they can not replace fresh fruit "says Dr. Annamaria Acquaviva

Discover in the gallery the top ten foods to bring to the table suggested by the expert.

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