Bake Blake Bortles will return to his position and be on short leash against Eagles in eighth week


Less than 24 hours after falling on the bench, a quarter of Jaguars Blake Bortles returned to their job.

Doug Marrone, Jags coach announced on Monday Bortles will be leaving the team this week when Jacksonville will travel to London for a game against the Eagles.

"I spoke to both quarters this afternoon and told them that Blake would be the starting quarterback of our team," said Marrone in a statement. "I think this gives us the best opportunity to win."

Apparently, Marrone is completely convinced that Bortles is giving his team the best chance of winning, because we could see another bench this week. according to on ESPN.comBortles will not only be on short lease this week, but Cody Kessler will also have first-team reps in the trials.

Bortles was cleared in the third quarter of Jacksonville's 20-7 loss to Houston on Sunday. Marrone decided to entrust the quarterback to Cody Kessler after seeing Bortles crush the Texans defense. In the six possessions where Bortles was on the field for Jacksonville, the Jaguars hit four times and Bortles lost two fumbles.

After Bortles lost his second breakaway, which occurred in the third quarter, Marrone sent him off the bench.

"I've done it literally to try to create a spark of this football team, to let everyone know they need to focus and play better," said Marrone at the end of the match . "It's not just for the quarterback, but that's how it works."

Despite the bench, Bortles said he would be ready to play if he was summoned for this week's game against the Eagles.

"You keep your head down and keep working," Bortles said. "That's all I've done in all my life – it's all I really know how to do – I think that's the only thing you can do in this." situation. "Introduce yourself with a positive attitude and get ready to play next week, play or not is not mine, then I'll be ready to go."

It's a good thing that Marrone entrusts the work to Bortles, because if there's one day he really shines, it's when the Jags play in London. As Ryan Wilson noted on Monday morning, Bortles has been almost unstoppable in London in recent years. Since 2015, Bortles have started three games in England and the Jags have remained undefeated. In all three games, Bortles combined 8 touchdowns against a single interception. This ratio of 8-for-1-intercept-interception is particularly impressive when you consider that its ratio in non-London games is 1.3-to-1.

If Bortles picks up London again, there's a good chance he's not afraid of being benched for the second time in two weeks.

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