Balalaika changes and improves in the games but Ilary and Belen do not convince


Nearly 8 million spectators watching TV for the first ever Croatia-Denmark competition, a race that kept the audience on the screen for 120 minutes and more, considering that it lasted until the end of the day. shoot to the net. A match, that of the eighths of the 2018 Russian World Championships, which sparked a lot of Italians, even though on the pitch there was not our national team, or an opponent eligible. 38% share for Mediaset who smiles and enjoys an investment apparently more than successful. With what success, if any, it seems that this is the change made to the Balalaika program. After the disappointing ratings of the first episodes, and the criticism of those who did not appreciate the scourge that had been given to a program that was to follow the postal games, Balalaika definitely changed his skin. And if on one side the public likes, even if not totally, to see that Balalaika is seen by 2 million spectators losing nearly 20 points of sharing (from 38 to 19 of the program) the show in Cbade 5, shows all its flaws, the first choice of protagonists.


In these weeks the choice was much criticized from Pardo, to give space during episodes of Tiki Taka to a Greek model that included nothing in football, but in the study of the 39; Italy 1 women with great gravitated football skills who were better off than other male VIPs in the studio, with the themes of the world.

And unfortunately, we can not help but criticize the choices of Cbade 5, or maybe women of the house, who should have faced the program in a different way. It is clear that Belen Rodriguez and Ilary Blasi have not had to deal with football, with strictly football topics, which should have given another round to the program, more familiar, lighter. But when the plays failed, and that Mediaset demanded more, here the two ladies of Cbade 5 ended up being fish out of the water.

While Blasi tries, and despite a husband footballer, not at the slightest notion of football, Rodriguez does not have the slightest interest in the football aspect of this World Cup and therefore the program . Just look at his face, while those who really understand the sport talk about what happened in the fields . If on the one hand, in Balalaika, you try to please the public who wants to see the interviews, review the climax of the race, on the other hand, you can not notice that the two women are inadequate to the new role they must play. The space dedicated to the light part of the program is however still smaller and the risk of giving other figures is imminent. The Blasi as he always does, even at Le Iene, knows how to take a little seriously and even sound ironic about his ignorance of football. Rodriguez, on the other hand, should be less serious and have more fun.

Doing a sports program, post-race that is not strictly related to the world of football is not easy. Flavio Insinna also knew something of which he had had the audacity, as you will remember, during the European Championships followed by Rai, to vary on the theme, choosing to do a different program of l & # 39; usual. The difference, however, in this case, was that the after-race was still addressed by the team of Rai reporters, immediately after the final whistle, with interviews, comments on the day and then move on to Insinna. It is clear that even from the point of view of the effort made in this 2018 World Cup, Mediaset would never have been able to address such a speech. And let's not forget another important thing: the short time that the company had to prepare this world. The work done, given the excellent odds, is however of excellent quality thanks to the choice to show all the games of the World, which never happened.

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