Beat Village disaster: Al Bano and Romina cancel the concert, the public in revolt at the wharf of Rimini


That must have been the novelty of the summer. In the charming Piazza della Darsena di Rimini a program of events, throughout the summer with the participation of singers, groups and DJs of national and international fame. E & # 39; finished with a fool even international level, in front of so many people also came from abroad for the concert of Al Bano and Romina Power, the highlight of the billboard.

According to the organizers it was an initiative made of concerts and atmosphere to engage the public in songs, dances and costumes, the glorious history of Rimini, from the 60s to the years 80, with its myths, scents, colors, sounds and protagonists of the magnificent nights that made the city of entertainment world famous, made of emotions and memories where the notes of a song were linked to a fashion, a dance. Bring back the spirit to those who lived and teach those who were not there when the summer season of Rimini was marked by the slowness of the night

All this thanks to the entrepreneur from Bologna Willer Dolorati, whose truth account more than one had nurtured doubts, after the sinking of the Lady Godiva in 2016 after an attempt to revive him. And again this year the news of unpaid accounts – for advertising, hospitality, the artists themselves – have become more and more insistent

The novelty of summer has become l & rsquo; One of the most sensational hoaxes in the history of the Rimini Riviera. After the serial cancellation of Mbadimo Ranieri, Tony Hadley, Vinicio Capossela, Tony Wilson, Renzo Arbore and – just today – the Beppe Grillo show that was to be held in August came the sensational cancellation of Al Bano and Romina.

The cancellation of this concert also closes the curtain on the event. The municipality of Rimini, through the voice of councilor Jamil Sadegholvaad, withdrew the sponsorship (free) to the initiative. And announcement that he will badess a claim for compensation for "extremely heavy damage to the city of Rimini".

Al Bano said that he had tried until the end to play the concert, "out of respect for the fans". Until 5:30 pm, in front of the rumors that ran, rebadured the public already waiting, promising that the evening would be there, even giving up all the stamp. But it was said that they would not take a penny, not even for musicians and technicians. The performance had become impossible because even the audio lighting server had not been paid and the staff was refusing to turn on the systems. Al Bano and Romina must then surrender

Heavy statements of Al Bano and Romina at an impromptu press conference at the Grand Hotel in Rimini.
"Beyond the damage, even the joke – he commented – When it's too much that's too much.This simply tells me that the money n & rsquo; Is not there Some people have to be canceled from the entertainment world Someone even warned me, but I'd wanted to believe this gentleman. is a factory of lies, it tells itself, here is a trap and I naive fell. "

And again: " Never in his life has such a thing happened in 53 years of career, never, and here in Rimini and just today ". As he himself reminded, in Rimini in 1966, Albano Carrisi had sung for a whole month: "At the Locanda del Lupo di Miramare at 10 thousand lire a night, and the year afterwards, when it exploded "In the sun", even though I was still under contract for a month for those 10 thousand lire, they allowed me to do other nights, so for the first time I saw 250 thousand lire together "

On July 26, the couple's 48th wedding anniversary will take place. "If at least it was the anniversary of the divorce", commented, trying to minimize it. But the disappointment was also very strong for Romina: "Just in Rimini, I shot my first film in 1964," Menage all "italiana" by Franco Indovina, I was 13 years old. I am so sorry for the many people who came here especially for us, even from Russia, Romania, Germany ". A lady from Sicily was even ready with her bottle of champagne to give to the couple.

At the press conference with Councilor Jamil Sadegholvaad, was the director of tourism Giampiero Piscaglia. "This gentleman – added the commissioner – did not even pay the Siae.And they tell me that Marina di Rimini has received nothing more than that." A small deposit We had hesitated before granting the patronage, but we were shown contracts signed.At the presentation press conference Renzo Arbore intervened in liaison, Radio Montecarlo broadcast for a month from Rimini but … "

Now the municipality sees how to repair the damage with a repair concert and consults the couple's diary to find a free date: they are extremely available . And who paid the ticket? We will try to claim a refund, without too many illusions.

Meanwhile, the protest of the many fans who took the ticket for the concert was broadcast at the wharf. We are talking about 1000 spectators with a regular ticket paid from 40 to 90 euros that was found to cancel the concert directly in the dock. There were moments of tension with the intervention of the police forces

A very bad end for a surreal day, but at Al Bano does not suppress the good mood: "Bambola, it is n 39 There is not a lyre! " he finally exclaims with a smile to Romina.

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