"Belen assaulted my son? Never said, but she was naked at home"


Animated hearing of the Milan trial which sees confronting two showgirls of Italian televisions. Nina Moric, during the interrogation in the courtroom, told reporters that she had never intended to talk about "badual harbadment" by Belen Rodriguez against the child.

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" On the radio, I spoke only of what my son said to me, namely that Belen walked naked around the house ". In the trial in Milan, the model is accused of slander aggravated by a fact determined by the words published in an interview with Radio 24 of September 3, 2015. Interview in which the Croatian model had addressed to Belen epithets of the tenor of " Wicked Witch " and " viado " and finally accused him of walking naked around the house in front of the child born from his relationship with Fabrizio Corona. " She also maligned me by writing on social media that I am psychopathic and unbalanced – continued Moric – and that she judged my role as a mother, something that I do not would never do, but I never pursued it ".

Moric pointed out that, in his opinion, a court " should deal with serious crimes, such as drug trafficking and murder, and not episodes such as this one. this. It's just the show ". On the epithet of the street, Moric explained to the court that he wanted to refer " only to his physical appearance and his abuse of cosmetic surgery " . And again: " This episode happened three years ago in a very difficult time of my life. We all make mistakes. She is now a very successful woman with a good career. If you have the time to spend so much on social media, I say, "Hat". It's really a wonderful woman and I admire her " .We return to clbad on September 11.

Belen, from money to charity. "He accused me of molesting his son: a very serious accusation that I felt obliged to defend myself as a mother.I will give money for possible compensation if Nina Moric was to be sentenced. "The Argentine showgirl Belen Rodriguez said today in court, heard as a civil party in the lawsuit against the Croatian model, accused of slander aggravated" by a specific fact "for the remarks made during of an interview granted to Radio 24 on September 3, 2015.

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