Bianca Atzei does not forget Max Biaggi: "Party without any reason"


Bianca Atzei has not yet pbaded the end of her romance with former centaur Max Biaggi. In late 2017, the two men announced the end of their relationship with the former shipwreck of the Island of the Famous who had confessed bitterly: "It's a bomb that suddenly broke out, our story is over and I do not even know why I suffer, but I hope Max thinks it because I still love it … Everything happened so fast … I do not do not even know how to comment on something like this … it was a thunderclap, exploded from morning to night and only by will by Max, but how can you erase a story like ours? J & # 39; hope it's just a bad dream. "

Bianca Atzei months later, reiterates the concept to the microphones of Di Più: " I have spent difficult months, j & # 39; Was destroyed, my face was marked by pain, I could read on my face that I was being left suddenly by my fiance, without even a rag of r aison, was a terrible blow: after two and a half years of love I did not deserve it. Now after months of pain, I managed to turn the page and this new page is me, my parents, the music and my little dog Apple Now I have a new love story , not with a man but with myself Yes, now I want to devote myself to myself. Instead, I heard myself say that he needed to be alone. In Honduras, when I took off my suit and plunged into the sea, I felt free, I felt the ironic side of me reappear. "[19659003] [ad_2]
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