Big Brother Vip 2018 | promo


By Marco Salaris

The promotional spot with Cristiano Malgioglio

The third edition of the celebrity version of Big Brother seems already closer since in these days of late July it is already in rotation on channel 5 the first promo of the reality show that will come back in September, conducted by Ilary Blasi and with a casting still in progress.

Protagonist of the commercial is Cristiano Malgioglio ] now used in all kinds: from the former competitor of the second edition who gave new life to his reputation, commentator of the clbadic version of the reality show aired from April to June, under the direction of Barbara d'Urso. The singer of I fell in love with your husband this time trying to return to the home that he attended for several months, trying to open the red door historical, but without success. His presence could also be considered for the 2018 VIP GF edition?

On his instagram profile, with a dedusting of self-congratulations Malgiogliana launches the hypothesis:

Among so many useless advertisements this should earn an Oscar for genius. This is not because I am the undersigned, but because I found it very funny – he concludes – If I would be in the most spotted house in Italy? Everything can happen. Never say never. For the moment, I was looking for a new Cristiano Malgioglio

And who knows if it will happen, everything is to see.

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