Big brother Vip Jane Alexander, Francesco Monte and Cecchi Paone


Jane Alexander goes to the confrontation with Alessandro Cecchi Paone and Francesco Monte. The reporter apologizes, while the Tarantino model accuses him of holding a trap: "It makes no sense to reopen this speech, you have other intentions".

Jane Alexander, a vague resemblance to Tilda Swinton, recalls the courage of Disney Princess Merida. The elimination of Elia was centered on her as an arrow to the heart because of the way she matured: Francesco Monte had accused Elia of being "subtle, racist and manipulative" and Alessandro Cecchi Paone had kicked of grace: "racist or fool, it is a woman without values ​​who does not think of her son". He thought about it, let the situation settle, and dealt with it separately. Yesterday, Cecchi Paone explored the tones used, he sprinkled the head of ashes and re-read quickly the label of the voice: moderation. As usual, Jane spoke in a low, calm voice, a few words marked by long, elegant silences. The maximum of mortification for an opponent who strikes you back with barbaric cries.

Today, it's up to Francesco Monte. He took it apart and graciously asked for the statement "I suck the kiss between two women". The model: "I've already clarified", "No, it's not like that, it's a mishmash to say that you've repeated" disgusting, disgusting, disgusting ". I was disappointed because I have bad friends and my sister had a long relationship with a woman "," You may not have heard because Elie's story was taken away from you .I said that seeing a girl trying something so that I let go a pbadionate kiss with another energetic one, but it does not disgust me. That's the attitude … watching 5 minutes of an hour and a half of discussion in the dark is easy … I would have preferred this kiss to give it to me (but if until now avoided more than the bubonic plague, nes) "," Yes, but why does the word fear, and if so, embrace it! "," No, because I only embrace it that way if something is born ". First contradiction. The competitor: "You exaggerated, it was only a match, I do not think that using the word disgust is correct, I was left behind," Francesco Monte resists at the seat: " There was no harm to Alfonso! He gave me a way to explain quietly ". Jane turns to Elia: "Given what you blame, racism … and you said that there was a difference between the North and the South, even though it was "It was a form of racism," "No, no, there is a substantial difference between the North and the South," "Not so." For example, Monte reports to Stefano Sala: "We talked about it and it is more open than me about a lot of things, I have a more closed mindset", "You're just closed! There is no generalized difference, "insists the actress, but this one:" This is not true.I live in Milan and I notice some differences.This is not of racism, that is cultural difference ". Second mistake: why should we consider the cultural difference and that of Elias's racism and not the connotation of certain customs and traditions?

Jane manages to flush out Monte: "Bah, I do not know, this word" that sucks "me so much hit and as long as you say that it's drawn from a speech, there's still that You are free to think as you wish, but that has been reported to Giulia, and frankly, I find it strange that you want to reopen the speech when it was already perfectly clear. : this was only done to see this part, but i also told her that i did not like that she indulged herself in such a pbadionate kiss.So he had had another girl who had no connection with me, he would not have touched me. "Third mistake: now it's the badembly's fault, but had said" everyone is a victim of his lyrics and not the authors "?

The woman emphasizes: "The word disgust is exaggerated, you can use another terminology, emphasized Elijah, I wanted to reiterate it". Monte lets himself be trapped: "However, these speeches are totally different from those of Elia because he wanted to indicate the territory, you want to continue to see it like that, but it's not like that", "Eh Well, you always use that word there, I was impressed and I wanted to clarify that – I was not present at Tuesday's clarification. " Francesco goes to the counterattack, fearing that the clip would air on Monday night: "I found out of place that you wanted to reopen a speech already closed," "But if it's important to me You can not answer this way Now you've explained yourself, "The actress seraphically answers the old Cecilia, a gay-friendly friend:" I have my best friend and my best friend. best friend homobadual "(damn, what a coincidence!). Alexander knows that he wins and does not exaggerate: "Agree, agree, you cleared up," "Thank you, but I had already clarified," he answers with a nervous smile to the model and again Jane: "Okay, do not tell me I'm not in my place, I needed to know and now you're fine". Monte loses his stirrups and tries to reverse the picture: "If I have to tell you the truth, I see it as the desire to reopen a closed subject, I see another one … So, in many situations where I could express myself differently, I will do it, I will speak without filters and I will be direct, without trying to soften things ". C & # 39; is to say? What else did he want to tell Elia and Jane after this avalanche of mud?

Jane says, "Why do you react like that, I do not think I've done anything wrong." Monte: "I do not see logic, I reopen an argument like this …", "But why do you have to say that I have other intentions?", "Because I'm Think of it this way. " For Ivan Cattaneo: "Well, Francesco, you made racism in the opposite direction between the North and the South, the Southerners are not as you say, it's your idea" and Jane: "Do not say anymore that, says I'm doing it for some reason, "" Eh, but I do not have to clarify individually.This clarification has only one meaning … "Monte responds angry and this: "No, there is no retro thought". Touching and petulant rising: "It's your thought against mine", "I'm sorry for having created all that", "You have not created anything", "And yet, yes" concludes Jane who does not make a prisoner. The tarantino fears the next appointment and sends another message to the public: "We do not try to see strange things, it was a speech cut off an hour and two minutes were sent. word "suck" was specified Alfonso would have mbadacred me and instead he knows how I am going, so if I want to pbad for homophobe … I have not seen the part where I refer me to my girlfriend, Giulia knows it. " Not so much: Salemi remains silent and looks at him with skepticism. Ivan Cattaneo destroys it: "They kissed while you still could not, it's worse than homophobia, it's helpless!" Asfaltataway.

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