Bioethics Committee, yes to the drug that suspends puberty – Growth


Triptorelin, the drug that "suspends" puberty in children and adolescents with gender dysphoria, the pathology for which it is not recognized in the bad of birth, can be used provided that certain precautions are followed. That's what the National Bioethics Committee (NBC) said in a notice. According to the document, the use of the prescribed drug is permitted "that the diagnosis and proposed treatment come from a multidisciplinary and specialized team, that treatment is limited to cases where other psychiatric and psychotherapeutic interventions are ineffective; the treatment provides for a voluntary and conscious consent of the information received in the specific physical and mental conditions, which allows an adequate training of the pediatrician, the basic social network and the educational establishments concerned by these questions ".

A guide created by the Association of Endocrinologists (AME), in collaboration with the Consulcesi Club, is dedicated to gender dysphoria: pediatricians and family physicians, write experts at AME , "play a fundamental role in establishing a constructive dialogue". to prevent parents from punishing children or trying to instil feelings of shame in them for the sole purpose of changing their behavior. Do not consider gender variance and dysphoria as essential disorders in childhood, without underestimating the discomfort they may arise. "Counseling must be followed by qualified personnel.
" Many centers Specialists and qualified professionals in Italy offer their expertise – explain the endocrinologists – and a multidisciplinary team to welcome children and their families who experience intense discomfort, through a path that provides essential support to parents and to a work that accompanies the 39, child / daughter in time to explore their own identity and self-perception.


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