born intergruppo fight against cancer


In the Lombardy Region, the intergroup for the fight against cancer was founded again, to which the regional councilors of all the camps joined. The intergroup was presented on Wednesday, July 18 with the participation of Annamaria Mancuso (President of Salute Donna), Sandro Barni (first emeritus of Oncology at Astst Bergamo Ovest) and Paolo Corradini (of L & # 39; 39, National Cancer Institute of Milan). [19659002"Nousavonstrèsbienfonctionnélorsdeladernièrelégislatureetmaintenantnousremplaçonslemêmegroupeavectouteslesparties:unechosemerveilleuse:quandnousnoustrouvonsetquandnoustravaillonsensemblenousvoyonsqu'ilrègneuneatmosphèredesérénité"expliqueMancusoEnLombardieplusde564000personnesviventaprèsundiagnosticdecancer;lenombreestimédenouveauxdiagnosticsen2017estd'environ63000Numérosdéfinissantl'étenduedelachargedediagnosticetd'badistancedelaRégionLombardie

During the previous legislature, the group has worked on issues such as & # 39; Ticket exemption for patients with the Brca mutation and the adoption of a diagnostic-therapeutic course of badistance for metastatic bad cancer. Now, among the various priorities already identified, there is the establishment of the register of hereditary tumors.

The coordinator of the intergroup will be the League Alessandro Corbetta . "We will listen to the badociations and those who experience the disease every day and then find the necessary levers with the regional government to integrate into the health system and improve the care of cancer patients, improve prevention to go first to understand to the people why it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and secondly to promote the idea of ​​continuous screening to identify the disease in the first phase, to finally lead to a direct management of the patient ", commented the exhibitor of Carroccio.

15-point agreement

Patient badociations shared an agreement with 15-point counselors to improve the management and consistency of treatment for cancer patients and onco-haematological patients. Among the points of agreement include oncology networks, bad units, tumor registries, the National Cancer Control Plan, the adoption of the Pdta for different forms of cancer, l & # 39; Improvement of psycho-oncology, revitalization of the communication program. "Associations play a fundamental role as interlocutors for political forces," said Barni: "The oncologist must be the collector of the many expressed or unstated needs of the patient population, who should develop them and make them as obvious as possible to everyone so that together they can come to a solution ". And according to Corradini "the needs of our patients are related to treatment: to feel good, to maintain their quality of life and not to see it distorted, not to have great limitations to their freedom, to be able to maintain good relations with doctors and nurses,

Intergroup Counselors

The counselors who are part of the intergroup are, for the moment, Viviana Beccalossi, Francesca Brianza, Claudia Carzeri, Francesca Ceruti, Giacomo Cosentino, Luca Del Gobbo, Federico Lena, Franco Lucente, the Mammì Consulate, Barbara Mazzali, Floriano Mbadardi, Andrea Monti, Manfredi Palmeri, Selene Pravettoni, Carmela Rozza, Elisabetta Strada, Simona Tironi and Michele Usuelli

"This horror disease is the scourge of our century, which causes the greatest number of deaths in the world, " Francesca Ceruti of the League said:" My participation wants to be a tribute to find useful strategies es to improve the care and treatment of cancer patients, with a guarantee of uniformity of treatment throughout the national territory, and to disseminate the tasks of the Intergroup, by putting in touch several organizations that have to do »

« The great opportunity that politics has with this Intergroup is to be able to listen directly to the patients, since the 20 badociations that are part of the project have a total of 100,000 people: a precious opportunity for us advisers that in this way we can work better thanks to the suggestions of those who fight against cancer in the front line ", declared Franco Lucente of Fratelli d'Italia recalling that Lombardy is the first Italian region for the incidence of tumors despite a "high level" health system.

"The intergroup can, among the many important topics, discuss and start a training on the new law on informed consent and early treatment provisions," Michele Usuelli from Europe: "The Fondazione Veronesi reports that in the last month of life the 25-30% of patients still have unnecessary chemotherapy, prescribed with little conviction, to the detriment of the beginning of palliative care, taking into account the difficulty physicians and family members have in communicating the evolution of the disease to the patient.This disease affects the quality of life of patients and leads to the misuse of resources. "

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