Born prematurely at risk of blindness, saved from complex surgery


Born in Modena on March 2, premature he weighed only 600 grams and suffered from a severe form of ROP, retinopathy of Pretermine pathology that may lead to Blindness . Despite a rapid treatment by cryotherapy, carried out at the Modena hospital, the pathology caused the bilateral retinal detachment newborn with the very high risk of losing sight.

Monday, July 2 exactly 4 months after birth, the small (now weighing 1800 grams) is successfully operated in Turin at the High Specialization Center for ROP regional and national reference, led by Dr. Giovanni Anselmetti, director of ophthalmology of Maria Vittoria Hospital.

"The intervention in case of retinal detachment is particularly complex – explains Dr. Giovanni Anselmetti, who helped Dr. Patrizia Faletti and the anesthetist Luciana Faccio – the previous treatments performed by colleagues at Modena they had given the desired results, because the severity of the pathology is directly proportional to the degree of prematurity. Our center is one of the few in Italy to have experience and l & # 39; 39, last generation equipment (25 gauge) to perform a vitrectomy in a timely manner with the best chance of success.

The "ROP" that affects premature births (thus are considered children born before the end of the 37th week of pregnancy, even if the real problem is that of pups below the 28th / 29th gestational week) complete development of the retinal vessels at the time of birth and, often, also abnormal development, in the first weeks of life, leading to the formation of scar tissue which can cause retinal detachment and lead to blindness if you do not intervene quickly

"Maria Vittoria's ROP center has an unprecedented baby experience – commented the general manager ASL City of Turin, Dr. Valerio Fabio Alberti – It is equipped with advanced equipment, which allow us to perform tests that can be performed only in very few other centers in Italy and that is a flagship of regional health, which has become a reference point as national, but besides the excellent instruments, highly specialized teams are essential to guarantee a serious possibility of cure, in case of very complex problems accompanying the premature birth ". The Modena boy is currently hospitalized in stable conditions at the Maria Vittoria intensive care unit, headed by Dr. Patrizia Savant Levet, where he will remain a few days under observation before returning to the garrison of his place of detention. residence.

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