Boston Celtics goaltender Brad Wanamaker has more than just a team change to do


BOSTON – At least he is paid on time

The new Boston Celtics member did not have to come to the NBA. Combo guard Brad Wanamaker, whose Celtics signature on Monday, had other opportunities. The San Antonio Spurs have shown interest for him, sources said. A man who spent the previous two seasons playing professionally in Turkey, most recently for Fenerbahce Istanbul, had a huge bid with FC Barcelona, ​​according to European basketball reporter David Pick . He chose a minimum contract in Boston, with a net worth of $ 3.8 million less than he could have done in Spain

The finances of many European teams are inextricably linked to the performance of their affiliated football teams. Real Madrid – best known for football, of course – has a basketball team tied to it. Just like Barcelona. And others. Fenerbahce too. But partly because they're a secondary source of income, partly because of the economy of a given country (the Turkish and Greek teams have similar reputations) and partly because the Things work well, some Turkish basketball teams do not pay their players at the hour.

Organizations will improve a few years, worse still others. Fenerbahce, historically, is no exception. Wanamaker's salary this season, the minimum of recruits, will be $ 838K. That's less than what he's done in the past two seasons in Turkey, where he was on a two-year contract, $ 2.3 million with some extra incentives sprinkled on top. This money is after taxes.

He came to the NBA anyway.

"Obviously, you leave a lot of money on the table by coming here, but I'm back in America," Wanamaker said Tuesday. "It's a dream come true to play in the NBA and with a team like Boston."

Wanamaker is in store for a lifestyle fit. After all, the basketball situation is not all that comes into play when someone changes team.

He moved from Istanbul, a hotbed of Turkey's turbulent political climate. He has played in the Turkish League, which he has won in the final two seasons of the 2018 Finals. He has been in Europe since 2012, competing in France and Germany, too. Now he will have to adapt to cultural shock, returning to the United States full-time for the first period since he was playing for Austin Toros, the Spurs' affiliate at the D-League, in 2011-12.

The 28-year-old has not played at an NBA game yet. His luck is coming soon.

"I've had opportunities in the past, but this situation seemed perfect to me," said Wanamaker. "Excellent organization, excellent coaching staff, I already knew some of the players in the team."

Wanamaker refers to "opportunity" again and again, even though he and the Celtics have not discussed his role yet. "The coach told me that there was an opportunity: whenever there is an opportunity, I am ready," he said. Most likely, the role will come as an off-bench goalkeeper behind playmaker Kyrie Irving, Terry Rozier's support and – the Celtics' hope – the current guard of the free agent Marcus Smart.

4 combo guards earned their living in Europe by harbading the guards of smaller points. He's greatly improved as a shooter, especially in the last three seasons, when he added volume and accuracy beyond the bow

"He is sturdy, he can keep several positions, he can shoot. "Director Mike Zarren said," We are really happy to add him to the team. "

Of course, Wanamaker will have to have his life together first He will have allies in the process.He played with Celtics striker Daniel Theis for a season with Brose Bamberg in Germany.He grew up playing AAU with the Boston striker. Marcus Morris, whom he's known since he's pre-teenager.He's not too far from Philadelphia.He went to university in Pittsburgh.

There is a system There is an opportunity, and the salary will come exactly when he expects to.

Things could be worse.

"I pioneered a n way up to this point: making the NBA is in my head since my childhood and it finally happened, "he said. "I am here for my opportunity."

Fred Katz covers the Celtics for Follow him on Twitter: @ FredKatz .

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