Brazil. The measles outbreak affects the tribe. Survival International: extinction of risks – Photogallery



A measles epidemic strikes the Amazonian tribe of the Yanomami, isolated on the border between Brazil and Venezuela. "If emergency measures are not taken as quickly as possible, hundreds of indigenous people may die," Survivor Alert International

. The Yanomami community in which the disease has exploded is among the most isolated in the Amazon. On the Brazilian front, at least 23 natives went to the hospital but most of the sick are not reached by medical badistance. In the past, epidemics killed 20% of Yanomami in Brazil. On the Venezuelan front, Survival International calls on the country's authorities to provide immediate medical badistance to these isolated communities.

CURRENT: The Yanomami people are facing a deadly measles epidemic. HELP SAVE LIVES NOW: Please share widely to tell the Venezuelan government to send emergency medical care @MINPIOFICIAL @MPPSalud @Defensoria_Vzla

– Survival (@Survival June 28, 2018

"When indigenous peoples are infected with common diseases such as measles or flu, they do not have to be infected. have never known before, many are dying. "Whole populations can be swept away," commented Stephen Corry, Executive Director of Survival International. "These tribes are the most vulnerable people on the planet, and medical help urgency is the only thing that can save these communities from destruction, "he added.

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