Breaking Bad, a movie based on the upcoming television series


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The great saga of breaking Bad he does not seem to want to stop. Only five years after the end of the series (and as long as the split is in progress) Call Saul better) there seems to be a new one ongoing project. There is still no official confirmation but Hollywood Reporter writes that the creator of the show Vince Gilligan he would be at work on a two hours of film who would somehow come back on the stories related to the chemistry professor who became a drug trafficker Walter White.

For the moment I details they are quite rare. It is indeed not clear if the film on breaking Bad it will be destined to the television or it will be spread too At the movie theater. In addition, the plot is very uncertain: it could be another prequel story, as in the case of the series on Saul Goodman, or some sequel. At this point, it's not even the involvement of the original protagonists, in particular Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, both engaged in other projects.

Instead, it seems almost certain that Gilligan will write the film, but also that he will produce it and direct it. I will also be back executive producers historians of both breaking Bad be Call Saul better, Mark Johnson and Melissa Bernstein, as well as the US State Film Office of New Mexico confirms that the filming of a film titled treatment Greenbrier (this would be the code name of the project) will soon be held in the area.

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