Breast Cancer "A unique center in the Women's Center" – Montecchio


One Senology Center for Ulss 8 at the Women's Center in Montecchio. This was announced by the Director General Giovanni Pavesi yesterday at the presentation of the new nutritional counseling service for badfeeding women who, from the next days, will enrich the multidisciplinary badistance course for patients of the unit. of the bad directed by Graziano Meneghini. Excellence in health in Veneto. "With a system of care and total patient care that reduces mortality by 30%," says Meneghini. Women's Center which, thanks to the donation of 10,000 euros from the Peretti Foundation, takes a new step forward with the nutritional clinic. "Leading a healthy lifestyle, with good nutrition – says Meneghini – helps prevent about one-third of tumors and for patients undergoing chemotherapy, reduces disorders and makes therapy more effective. In addition, good nutrition leads to a reduction in recurrence. With the nutritional service we complete the concept of the team in the cancer challenge that we can win, even more for bad cancer. Here we work with a multidisciplinary approach and personalized paths to give women a serene and normal life. There is a synergy between the world of health, volunteering and institutions. "" Every day we take a step forward for a 360-degree women's service structure, "says Dd Pavesi. further improvement for what will become the only center of the company's senology, committed to activating in the year only a point of reference in the Centro Donna di Montecchio, with the unification of the 39, bad surgery team in a large team. "" The Peretti Foundation has been supporting our projects for a long time – adds President Andos Ovest Vicentino Piera Pozza – a request for dietary advice came directly from patients, who sometimes rely on newspapers or Internet There was a need for food education.
The clinic, entrusted to Gessica Schiavo, head of the ULSS 8 hospital nutrition department, supported by nutritionist Luciana Martelletto, will be operational every week for patients reported by senology. "We are adding a piece to an increasingly complete puzzle," says Montecchio Mayor Milena Cecchetto, present with Commissioner Maria Paola Stocchero. "The donation is part of a broader path already begun with the oncology of Montecchio – adds Lorella Peretti, vice president of the homonymous foundation – The clinic is funded for one year, with the following year. idea of ​​a renewal for continuity of service ". •

Luisa Nicoli

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