Bruce Springsteen. The Broadway show will land on Netflix | new


On October 12 Bruce Springsteen inaugurated at Walter Kerr Theater in New York Springsteen on Broadway a show that lasted, between breaks and resumptions, up to this summer with huge revenue and audience success. According to the New York Times data, to date, there has been a $ 76 million business turnover, with a total of 151,549 admissions for 160 shows and an average cost of $ 510.

It is a solitary spectacle, sporadically enriched by the interventions of his wife Patti Scialfa, centered on a few pbadages from his autobiography Born To Run . In practice it is a psychobadytic session with the Boss which, between the essential versions of his most significant songs and the story of stories, anecdotes and adapted stages of the book, is revealed to the public in intimate tones and confidential.

he did a lot of throats and that a transposition on film of Springsteen on Broadway was more than a probability. Netflix is ​​imposed and, seizing the exclusivity, has gotten that two special outings of the show, recorded Tuesday and Wednesday, form the basis of a special production of the colossus streaming that will be broadcast from the December 15th. 19659004] On our pages you can read the review of Stefano Solventi's last album of Boss High Hopes a relatively recent playlist edited by the artist, some political statements about the Trump's immigration and revelations on the new album.

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