Calcutta at the Latina stage: the romance of the ultras


There is a guy in front of me, in the lawn of the Latina stadium, accompanied by his girlfriend. At first he has a pole, after a while he is shirtless. He knows most of the songs, he sings them hugging his girlfriend. But, almost always, he does it by raising his middle finger to the sky
A few meters further, there is a child on the shoulders of the parent, maybe 10 years old. He instead holds the scarf – hyper synthetic, red with CALCUTTA written – open. He sings almost always.
Beside me, however, there are two young parents, 40, with a daughter. She yawns, the father sings, the mother makes the video with the phone, screams the songs (who knows what will come out, and who knows what he wrote on Facebook)
It seems one of those days where they place the euro stadium tickets, and suddenly we find the ultras screaming next to the kids. Moms loving the couch and children forced against their will

  Credit: Kimberley Ross

Credit: Kimberley Ross

Calcutta opened the Latina stadium at a concert that, perhaps, they had not never seen. Also because on the pop map, in these areas, only Tiziano Ferro is out. He opened the stadium to a real stadium concert, with a real structure, a real band, a real choir (!). With him you can put with kindness, shyness and a little ingenuity between Vasco Rossi and someone who has happened to us who knows how ("I seem to be in a talent, but I can not sing" he said certain point).

The strength of Calcutta is this infinite insecurity. Because the first to not understand why he is successful, it is him. He does not have the physical popstar and he knows it. But it has a kind of improper cool that allows it to turn, in three years, the provincial towns, the Verona Arena and the palazzetti all over Italy since January. Before Rai he asks the public to shout loudly "Hi grandmother!", Because "lives nearby, maybe he hears us.But I think that" he watches TV. "Here, the inadequacy.

Then, in a summer province context just steps from the sea. That same day of his concert offers a sleepless night, open late stores, karaoke in every corner and flip flops. Calcutta would never go there, to Latina's sleepless night. But maybe there would be a song.

  Credit: Kimberley Ross

Credit: Kimberley Ross

Who is not in the white night, however, is inside the stadium (20 thousand, 30 thousand, boh). Some in the queue since the morning, as at the concerts of those more famous than him. Going indie followers who know the pieces of Mèsa and De Leo – before him in the programming, with the next great Frah Quintale – who sings to heaven the Oasis and Thegiornalisti, with the same well taken. Completely Wonderwall .

Ah, there is also Thomas Paradise, hat and sunglbades, salt on stage in duo with Edoardo on Horoscope, the atypical almost reggaeton that everyone knows but that all a little ashamed to know, a unique in the scale and career of Calcutta. And there is also the other representative of this Roman explosion between the cafonal and the super cool, Pierluigi Pardo. On the screens are the surreal multilingual spots of the Parda water, small situationist flashes appear on the scene. There are backstage bloomers (no water), asking the cap if it "goes out or does not come out" at the end of the concert. Why Calcutta does not blossom, thanks only to everyone, he does not want to talk about it

  Credit: Kimberley Ross

Credit: Kimberley Ross

What he had to say, he comes from the say. In a tide of songs shouted and whispered, like an ultras head ("I've read the newspaper there is Pope Francis and who does not jump is gialloblu", Latina scarf in his pocket and teasing at Frosinone) d & # 39; 39, a faithful and emotional curve. Consciously inadequate, what is now screaming at the cripple in the sky hugging hard, without thinking of how much he can make people laugh.

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