
The most disconcerting data related to the history of the dead woman from lung cancer two years after the transplant the same it's related to the operation that saved his life. The lungs had been given by a smoker. Studies by the physicians involved in the study indicate that carciogenesi was already in place when the donor was alive. A very serious fact to underestimate and not to consider that it might have been better to calculate the risks. The fact is highlighted by the short time between the transplant and the first appearance of a radiological abnormality. It will be important, adds the team, to carefully evaluate all tobacco donors or those who have recently quit to avoid such situations. In fact, before proceeding with a transplant, it is important to check the health status of the donor's patient in order to avoid any additional anxiety. (by Matteo Fantozzi)


A woman died of lung cancer two years after her transplant. It was discovered that the donor was a heavy smoker. This was explained by a study of the journal Lung Cancer, which wishes to warn against the risk of transplantation of these organs. The patient was treated since childhood for cystic fibrosis. After a serious deterioration of his respiratory function, in November 2015, he had a lung transplant. The examinations revealed no abnormalities regarding the brain dead donor. But the 57-year-old woman had been smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years, as pointed out by Chu's Montpellier doctors in charge of the study. Two years later, the transplant recipient was found in thoracic oncology at the Montpellier hospital and died two months later. The cancer would have progressed too quickly because of the immunosuppressive treatments needed to prevent organ rejection. The doctors, in this case, propose "that the transplants of tobacco donors or people who have just quit smoking be considered with caution".


In the area of ​​lung transplantation, donor selection options are often very limited. Even in Italy, one in five is a former smoker. Among other things, patients with cystic fibrosis, pulmonary emphysema, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and primary pulmonary arterial hypertension can not wait for the two years they need because they may not be transplanted . If there are reliable alternatives to the heart and kidneys, such as the artificial heart and dialysis, there is still no long-term effective extracorporeal oxygen system for the lungs. "In recent years, the lack of organs has led to a re-evaluation of the lungs given by smokers, even though the research still does not provide reliable answers regarding respiratory function and long-term survival," said in this respect the Corriere. della Sera, Luca Voltolini, Head of the Pulmonary Transplant Program at the University Hospital of Siena, on the page of the Veronesi Foundation dedicated to this topic.

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