Cancer Prevention in Piazza della Vittoria at the initiative of Aiom –


Genoa capital of fight against cancer : the Ligurian capital is home to the twentieth stage of the new edition of " Festival of Prevention and Innovation in Oncology" . A bus, renamed motorthome, awaits the public in Piazza della Vittoria, where Oncologists from Aiom the Italian Association of Medical Oncology, will provide advice and information on prevention, therapeutic innovation and research progress in the field of oncology ; There are also sports activities on the square to involve citizens with testimonials of excellence.

The Director General of the Department of Medical Oncology of Policlinico San Martino presents the "Festival of Prevention and Innovation in Oncology" :

Every year in Genoa, more than 6,830 new cancer diagnoses are estimated: "At least 40%, about 2,730 cases a year, could be avoided by following a healthy lifestyle – explains Giovanni Ucci, Director General Hospital Policlinico San Martino – The purpose of the project is to convey to the citizens a fundamental message: against cancer, we must play in advance.And we launch, on the model of literary festivals, the "Prevention and Innovation Festival in Oncology" to explain to Italians the new course of oncology, which goes from the correct lifestyle to screening, to innovative weapons, to the reintegration world of work. Efforts are needed on lifestyles and screening, because cancer is the chronic pathology that is most strongly influenced by preventive measures. "

"Smoking is the main risk factor for cancer – states Lucia Del Mastro, member of the National Executive of Aiom responsible for the San Martino Breast Unit – More than a hundred thousand cancers each year in Italy are due to cigarettes, figures that are reminiscent of those of an epidemic: 85-90% of those in the lungs, 75% in the head and neck ( especially the larynx and pharynx), 25-30% in the pancreas.The impact of blondes is also evident in bladder cancer, one of the most common with 50-65% of cases due at this vice between men and 20-30% in women Smoking also increases by 50% the probability of developing a neoplasm of the kidney and up to 10 times the esophagus ".

"An important role in primary prevention is also played by physical activity – continuing Paolo Pronzato, Director of the Department of Medical Oncology at the Polyclinic Hospital of San Martino [19459005Itisshownthat20%ofalltumorsarecausedbyasedentarylifestyleThebenefitsofmovementareobviousandseveralstudieshavehighlighteditsinfluenceonsomeofthemostcommonneoplasms:reducestheriskofdevelopingcancer12%and44%ofcolorectalcancerandoneinfivebadcancer(23%ofthetotal)canbepreventedpost-menopausalbyavoidingoverweightTherecommendationsoftheWorldHealthOrganizationrecommendabout150minutesaweekortwoandahalfhoursofaerobicphysicalactivitysuchaswalkingrunningcyclingatamoderateandintensepaceThephysicalmovementexertspreventiveandtherapeuticeffectsandcanbecomparedtoadrugthatwhenproperlyadministeredpreventsseriousdiseasessuchastumorsandpreventstheirdevelopmentensuringsignificantbenefitsforbothcitizensandthehealthsystemHencetheimportanceofawarenesscampaignslikethisFestival"TheAssociazionePerlaDonna who cares for accompanying patients in the path of cancer treatment of the bad, is also present at the event, as explained by President Carlotta Farina :

In addition to the correct lifestyles, adherence to screening tests is also crucial in the fight against cancer and in improving survival rates. In Genoa, enrollment in these programs is below the regional average (White Book of Health 2016, Liguria Region Health System). "33.3% of citizens have performed the early screening test for colorectal cancer (fecal occult blood test, the regional average is 36.7%) and 58.2% of women performed mammography (64.2% Liguria ) for the early diagnosis of bad cancer – explains Claudia Bighin, oncologist at San Martino – and 15% of Genoese women have undergone cervical screening (Pap smear, fundamental for the early diagnosis of cancer cervix): even in this case, the data are worse than the regional average (24.7%) .One of the objectives of the Festival is precisely to improve the adherence to these fundamental prevention instruments ".

In Genoa, during the "Festival of Prevention and Innovation in Oncology", will be collected cognitive surveys and will be distributed to citizens brochures on the main rules of cancer prevention and new weapons capable of overcoming the disease. disease or improve survival significantly. The event was opened with the greeting of Sonia Viale, Vice President and Advisor for Health, Social Policy and Security of the Liguria Region:

Wednesday, July 11, from 16h to 18h30, the event "General Prevention" is scheduled at the Auditorium of the Teatro Carlo Felice On Thursday, July 12, at 16h, more information about the fake news in oncology, at 4:30 pm on innovative therapies and 17 on psychological support for patients. Patient badociations, family members and citizens of all ages are invited to participate

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