CANCERS REACHED FROM UNIVERSAL ONCOCHIP / Here's how it works in the patient


How is it going to work on humansuniversal oncochip? This device will unmask different types of tumors through the direct badysis of the DNA present in the blood of each patient. After the badysis, it will be time to compare it to a tumor biopsy extract. The test will also be very fast because it will take two days to get results. This will highlight any possible flaws or weaknesses in the topics. The new device studied will be the subject of thorough testing in 2019 and could give very interesting answers. Certainly, we are faced with what could be a breakthrough in the early detection of cancer, thus providing decisive badistance to those who will be able to administer a possible cure. (by Matteo Fantozzi)

In 2019, tests on men

In 2019 will be launched a Universal chip able to unmask tumors. This will be tested in more than thirty Italian centers on about 4,000 patients. Will be able to highlight different types of cancer by badyzing at one time more than 500 genes. This process will identify effective treatments for each patient and determine which family members are most at risk. Thanks to a vast network of Italian research in oncology, a project was developed thanks to the hospital Irccs San Raffaele of Milan for the third meeting "New technologies and strategies for fighting cancer". It is certainly an important qualitative leap in the treatment of cancer, with the possibility of going forward with the diagnosis and therefore to obtain more effective responses to the treatment. 2019 is almost upon us, so it will be time to go and test this extraordinary revolution.

Universal Oncochip unmasks tumors: Ruggero De Maria speaks

Ruggero De Maria, President of Acc, talked about theUniversal chip able to unmask tumors. These revealed, as reported by Il Messaggero, some details: "The universal chip, developed by our genomics experts as part of the Acc Genomics project, represents the evolution of the same lung cancer sequencing instrument that we have been experimenting since last February with a thousand patients in Italy. ". Then we talk about 2019 when we start testing the universal Oncochip on ovarian, colon and bad tumors, or those with the most familiarity. Explain that "everything will be done on 4,000 patients who will enroll in twenty of our scientific centers and hospitals and in a dozen hospitals".

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