Carmelito disappears in the air, Saul arrested


Anticipations The Secret not to be missed: in the next episodes of the serial, Carmelito will be removed while Candela attends the wedding of Adela and Carmelo . There will be no trace of the child and Santacruz will immediately hire to start the search. During this time, Saul will be arrested : it will be the opportunity to discover that he and his brother have lied to everyone, hiding their true identity. Bad period also for Dolores, who will end the marriage with Pedro by anger by signing the divorce documents

Anticipations The secret: Carmelo and Adela get married, Carmelito kidnaps

In the episodes of Iberian soap Il Segreto [VIDEO] we will see Ulpiano retrace his steps, after having noticed his constantly discontented mother.

So the young soldier will give him his approval for the marriage with Carmelo. Meanwhile Raimundo begs Francisca to leave in peace Saul and Julieta, oppressed by the matron who does not want to relive the disappointment that gave him Tristan when entering Pepa Balmes. His words, of course, will be totally useless and will only feed his desire for revenge. The wedding moment has arrived. Carmelo and Adela radiant more than ever, utter the fateful yes in front of an excited Don Anselmo. The whole village is famous, but the tragedy is around the corner. Candela, after leaving the small Carmelito in Venancia to participate in the wedding of Adela and Carmelo, will return home at the worst of her nightmares: the crib of the child is empty and the Former mother-in-law lying on the ground deprived of the senses.

Menzidabal's scream will freeze pbaders-by, who will rush into the house to try to understand what happened

The Secret: Saul Arrested, Dolores Signs Divorce

Puente Viejo's Troubles are not completed. After the wedding and the celebrations, a great sensation will make the arrest of Saul carried by the Civil Guards in solitary confinement. Prudencio, now aware that he can no longer pretend, will decide to tell Francisca everything: he and his brother are not what they claim to be . They have indeed used two fictitious identities to escape the infamous charge of murder, a crime of which they have never been seen. The two brothers found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, a circumstance that cost them dearly. Will Francisca help Saul to prove his innocence? Julieta [VIDEO] will try to give a little respite to her beloved who, thanks to the help of Emilia, will visit Saul in the cell. Finally, Dolores will receive by mail Pedro's letter informing her that she is ready for the divorce. Without thinking for a moment, the now ex Miranar will sign the damned cards.

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