Castrate your four-legged friend, when and how to do it: expert advice


When a puppy enters the family, especially if it is a woman, it is inevitable that you should decide to castrate or cope with the surgery, before or after after the first run. In these moments, it is important that the vet believes that more than anyone else is able to help homeowners choose when to castrate our furry friend.

In the male, the castration of dogs and cats is often linked to the need to avoid specific behaviors such as marking the territory, aggressiveness towards other males and especially the possibility of mating. Especially cats who lead a free life, so that they can move in the outside environment, can travel considerable distances, get away from home and engage in struggles with other subjects looking for a cat in heat. It is not uncommon for them to return from their master's home with serious injuries, risking incurable infectious diseases. Even the aggression that some male dogs show towards other males or in control of their home, can be controlled and better managed after castration of the subject.

For the bitch and for the cat, removal of the ovaries, usually defined Sterilization is not strictly related to the management of unwanted behavior but is of considerable importance for their health

Literature, that is to say all the studies carried out in recent decades, shows how early castration can prevent many pathologies of the entire reproductive system. Indeed, complete removal of the ovaries stops the production of bad hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, whose activity can cause problems such as uterine infections (eg pyometra) , ovarian tumors, tumors of the badl cbad and tumors. charge of the mammary gland. These diseases are diagnosed when the dog, and more rarely the cat, has reached advanced age and often requires emergency surgery on patients who are in critical clinical conditions. The most frequent cases are pyometra and mammary tumors of considerable size, often ulcerated and infected. These are situations that can only be treated by surgery but, as one can easily imagine, being an elderly subject, the risk badociated with anesthesia is very high.
The discussion that animates the world of veterinary medicine in recent times castration is linked to the beginning word: is it more important to intervene before the first heat or to allow our animals to do it? at least one?

The points in favor of those who find it more important to castrate very early are related to the high percentage of bad cancer prevention that would have occurred before the first heat: it is about 95%. On the contrary, such early intervention requires an anesthetized subject who is still prepubertal and therefore comparable to a pediatric patient. Also in the bitch you have to consider another problem: some women have what is called prepubertal vaginitis, infections with few clinical signs, difficult to cure, which tend to resolve spontaneously with the first heat. If the dog is castrated before the first heat these inflammations of the bad can become chronic forms of difficult healing
The point in favor of those who prefer it is better than the bitch and the cat make the first heat due to the role due to role that bad hormones play in the harmonious development of each living being, in addition to avoiding the chronicity of prepubertal vaginitis. However, the percentage of bad cancer prevention is reduced to 78%

Scientific research in recent years has led to the discovery of new pharmacological principles that allow us to chemically sterilize our animals. These are slow-release subcutaneous implants that block the production of bad hormones, both male and female, in dogs and cats, for a limited time. Chemical sterilization is recommended in place of surgical castration in patients in whom the anesthetic risk badociated with an operation is too high, or if they are prone to reproduction which, for a limited period of time, should not occur. # 39; mate.

Dr. Anastasi Patrizia (Veterinary Doctor, Doctor in Pet Reproduction)

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