Cavaso, Cristicchi and Paolini sul Tomba, homage to the dead of war – Free time


Cavaso. There are tickets available only for the Sunday recital, for "Without winners or losers": the civil prayer with which today, already exhausted, and tomorrow at 21 years the two inimitable storytellers Marco Paolini and Simone Cristicchi celebrate by them are the collective ritual that calls to gather on the places of the Great War, in this case on the summit of the mount Tomba, to the place where the grappa front pbaded [19659002] Will take part in this tribute to the 6 million children who died during the First World War, also the 45 elements of the Valcavasia choir led by the master Tarcisio dal Zotto, six musicians including the Syrian refugee Alaa Arsheed with his violin and the students from the Steffani Conservatory of Music in Castelfranco, the master Filippo Faes to direct the original music of Alessandro Grego.

There is still a chance to attend the event, which is part of the festival "Holiday of the Soul" devoted to the theme "Playing with the borders" ", Only in the game Sunday at 21 hours, in the place that was the scene of violent clashes until June 1918.

This is a show that wants to celebrate the end of the Great War, trying to overcome the 39, idea of ​​offense and defense of borders

For the ascent of Monte Tomba, access is possible from three main arteries: the provincial 141 which goes back from Pederobba, the provincial one 10 that leaves from Alano di Piave, the historic Via Generale Angelica that leaves from Cavaso. You pbad in front of the car parks, located about 15 minutes walk from the arena where the event will take place place Shuttle buses for disabled people are available from the park Tickets can be purchased before e show or at the Cavaso Town Hall. For more information: www., 3388037443 .

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