Cecchi Paone attacks Pellegrinelli: "No more meritocrazia …"


Sparks between Marica Pellegrinelli and Alessandro Cecchi Paone . The quarrel between the two broke after a rather harsh comment from the conductor and journalist on Pellegrinelli's conduct himself at the Wind Music Awards. In an interview with "New TV", Cecchi Paone put Eros Ramazzotti's wife in the crosshairs with words critical enough for this TV adventure: "We would prefer more meritocracy, but it seems more and more difficult. I think that should be done out of respect for the public, the sponsors and so much beauty that should not be put in trouble for me just good backstage collaborators. "

A real attack that immediately sparked controversy over social media and there are also those who decided to promote Pellegrinelli as Maurizio Costanzo who said: "I understand the mistrust of a girl like Marica Pellegrinelli, who has only been the model and is famous for being The woman Eros Ramazzotti should enjoy the doubt Until now, the lady Ramazzotti was held apart, without jostling, to devote family built with Her husband Perhaps the authors have seen in her a talent that, cultivated in the right way, will make a new star shine. "Finally, Pellegrinelli proudly boasts this professional opportunity:" My husband was the happiest of the offer we have had for a long time, I have always feared that they would blame me for it. commercially exploit. Instead, he said, "Go ahead, throw, kids are big, that's your time," he tells me o Donna In short, the woman of Ramazzotti is not afraid of critics, with all due respect for Cecchi Paone

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