Cesena, inverted pot of boiling milk at 2 years old. In Bufalini care


Cesena, July 28, 2018 – A pot containing boiling milk was spilled on the body burning . An Albanian child nearly two years old last May was transferred from his home country to Bufalini Hospital for special skin exams.

The girl had to undergo a series of delicate surgeries and intensive medical treatments. successfully completed by the teams at the Greater Burns Center and neonatal and pediatric intensive care units coordinated by Dr. Davide Melandri. "Upon arrival – explains the director of the Center – Klea presented a clinical situation of extreme gravity . Several surgeries were performed to reconstruct burns on several parts of the body. "

As they informed of the team that worked on the particularly delicate case, the success of the interventions was made possible thanks to the work of the team especially to the neonatologist intensivist colleagues

.Three months of treatment, little Klea is well now.After her admission to neonatal intensive care, she was transferred to the pediatric ward "He will have to perform physiotherapy treatments and a series of tests, but he will soon be able to return home," adds Dr. Marcello Stella, director of the pediatric and neonatal intensive care unit. The humanitarian intervention was activated by the Local Health Authority of Romagna, with the support of the Italian Red Cross Committee of Cese na, and authorized by the Regional Department of Health Policy on the basis of the Humanitarian Assistance Program.

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