"Changing sex for minors". Yes of the Bioethics Committee


Medical blockage, with some drugs pre-puberty for subjects who are affected by gender dysphoria be the disturbance of badual identity .

This is the proposal of the National Bioethics Committee, which has just endorsed the possibility advanced by the Italian Drug Agency, to use the triptorelina in the aforementioned cases.

Triptorelin, indeed, is a drug capable of blocking the activity of the pituitary gland and thus stopping puberty, thereby containing the physical transformations and, consequently, the development to the Origin of the suffering of boys or girls whom they do not recognize males or females and that, on the contrary, strongly express the desire to belong to bad opposite to the own birth bad ]. [19659004] The Protest

The Livatino Study Center, which – composed of magistrates, university professors, lawyers and notaries – "expresses its surprise and concern" for the conviction expressed by the NBC. The group, therefore, writes: "The opinions of the NBC have always been distinguished by scientific rigor and have been an authoritative reference for questions bioethics in this case the CNB has endorsed a drug for an indication that, as the Committee itself acknowledges, there is no scientific evidence to support (the abstention of the two representatives of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and the of the Consiglio Superiore di Sanità is significant in this respect), and shows a series of serious problems contraindications which nevertheless emerge from the document: they should have ended in a no to a controversial and potentially dangerous path for the Health Physics and Psychic Minors Involved Caution for the use of the product set out in the "Recommendations" sounds too much like the technique used in cer some laws – for all, the 194/1978 – which, proposing derogations in "special cases", it actually introduces a regime change with immediate application to anyone, in violation of the precautionary principle "

Finally, criticism of the culture of fluidity of genre : "As jurists, we are particularly concerned about the informed consent of the minor and his family who find themselves making such decisions in the absence of true scientific information, in a cultural climate conditioned by ideological pressure towards the cancellation of male / female gender identity: the use of this drug actually suggests the model " fluid-like " at an increasingly early age. Even more surprising is that the opinion was approved with only one vote against – that of Prof. Morresi, who motivated a special postillion – and instead received the favorable vote of his illustrious members from whom we would expect a clear and motivated opposition ".

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