Chasing the distracted millionaire, he won 2 and a half million in the superenalotto but did not withdraw


Won 2 million and a half euros at superenalotto but does not seem to withdraw them and now risks losing them due to delays. It's a hunt for distracted millionaires in Castelvetrano where, in fact, there is still a little over three weeks to reap the millionaire winnings and according to Sisal's awards office, the lucky one has not yet presented for the collection of the winnings that were made number 51 of April 28 at the Sisal store of via Mazzini

The news of the non-rscosso prize raises the quest of the winner who remains unknown. The winning combination of the competition was 2, 25, 41, 42, 74, 87, Jolly 13, SuperStar 54. The winning round was validated on Saturday, April 28 around 11:00 for a fee of 3 euros. 19659002] Now, from the receivers where the coupon of 3 euros was played, they issue a call asking all those who asked their dimc to check at home if there is a small card on the spot.

This morning of April 28th was Saturday and there was a lot of confusion because the owners did not remember exactly who the player or player was.

There are 22 days left to recover the price. The terms will expire on Friday, July 27th.

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